Create/Open a Sketch

Start A New Sketch

  • In a workspace window, open the input selector and choose New > from the menu. In the flyout submenu, select New Sketch.

  • Access the same menus as previous by right-clicking in an empty part of the workspace window and select Open > (the final option on the menu).

  • Use the main menu sequence File -> New -> Sketch Set. The set is opened in the active workspace window.

The sketch workspace is opened and a dialog will appear in front of it. Use the dialog to supply a name for the new sketch set. This name is used to distinguish this set from others when working in the user interface. It is also used to designate this sketch set in commands (e.g., see sketch set select and sketch set delete).

Once named, the sketch workspace will display with the construction view active. This view is accessed by pressing the (constructiontoolbutton) button on the toolbar.

Open an Existing Sketch

  • In a workspace window, pull the content selector, choose “Sets” from the menu. Any available sketch sets in the current model state (as well as building block sets and geometry sets) will appear here. Select the desired set to open it in the workspace window.

  • In the Project panel, double click the desired set (or right-click and choose Open). The set will open in the active workspace window.