FLAC3D Theory and Background • Zone Joints

Zone Joints

As outlined mentioned in the interface section, it is often desirable to model discrete discontinuities in geomechanics applications. The interface theory section provides a description of one method for modeling discontinuities in FLAC3D. The zone joint logic represents an alternative formulation similar to the logic provided in 3DEC or UDEC, allowing for the explicit representation of many interacting bodies. There are a few key differences between interfaces and zone joints:

  1. Zone joints are two-sided.

  2. Zone joints use PFC style contact models, with the default behavior supplied by the Mohr Model model.

  3. Any built-in contact model can be substituted, and user defined models can be implemented.

  4. Zone joints are currently restricted to small strain.

  5. Models built in 3DEC can easily be exported to FLAC3D using zone joints.

The following sections explore the zone joint logic in detail.

Section Outline