Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
1#pragma once
8#include "vect.h"
12template <class T> class Extent2 {
14 // Creators
16#ifdef _DEBUG
17 Extent2() { tx1_ = tx2_ = ty1_ = ty2_ = initVal<T>(); }
22 Extent2(const T &x1,const T &x2,const T &y1,const T &y2) : tx1_(x1), tx2_(x2), ty1_(y1), ty2_(y2) { }
24 Extent2(const Vector2<T> &v11,const Vector2<T> &v22) : tx1_(v11.x()), tx2_(v22.x()), ty1_(v11.y()), ty2_(v22.y()) { }
26 Extent2(const Extent2<T> &r) : tx1_(r.tx1_), tx2_(r.tx2_), ty1_(r.ty1_), ty2_(r.ty2_) { }
27 constexpr const Extent2 &operator=(const Extent2 &e) { tx1_=e.tx1_; tx2_=e.tx2_; ty1_=e.ty1_; ty2_=e.ty2_; return *this; }
30 limits<T>::max(),-limits<T>::max()); return r; }
31 // Accessors
33 const T &x1() const { return tx1_; }
35 const T &x2() const { return tx2_; }
37 const T &y1() const { return ty1_; }
39 const T &y2() const { return ty2_; }
41 const T &dof1(uint32 u) const {
42 assert(u<2);
43 if (u)
44 return ty1_;
45 return tx1_;
46 }
48 const T &dof2(uint32 u) const {
49 assert(u<2);
50 if (u)
51 return ty2_;
52 return tx2_;
53 }
55 T width() const { return (tx2_-tx1_); }
57 T height() const { return (ty2_-ty1_); }
59 Vector2<T> centroid() const { Vector2<T> out((tx1_+tx2_)/2,(ty1_+ty2_)/2); return out; }
61 Vector2<T> c11() const { Vector2<T> out(tx1_,ty1_); return out; }
63 Vector2<T> c12() const { Vector2<T> out(tx1_,ty2_); return out; }
65 Vector2<T> c21() const { Vector2<T> out(tx2_,ty1_); return out; }
67 Vector2<T> c22() const { Vector2<T> out(tx2_,ty2_); return out; }
69 Vector2<T> lowerBound() const { return c11(); }
71 Vector2<T> upperBound() const { return c22(); }
73 Vector2<T> size() const { Vector2<T> out(width(),height()); return out; }
75 T area() const { return (width()*height()); }
77 T volume() const { return area(); }
79 T diagonal() const { return size().mag(); }
81 bool isEmpty() const { return( (tx1_>=tx2_) || (ty1_>=ty2_) ); }
83 bool tolIsEmpty(const double &tol = limits<double>::epsilon() * 100) const { return ( (tx1_ + tol >= tx2_) || (ty1_ + tol >= ty2_) ); }
85 // Comparison operators
87 bool operator==(const Extent2<T> &r) const { return ( (tx1_==r.tx1_)&&(tx2_==r.tx2_)&&(ty1_==r.ty1_)&&(ty2_==r.ty2_) ); }
89 bool operator!=(const Extent2<T> &r) const { return !operator==(r); }
91 bool operator<(const Extent2<T> &r) const { return (area() < r.area()); }
93 bool operator>(const Extent2<T> &r) const { return (area() > r.area()); }
95 bool isIn(const Vector2<T> &v) const { return ((v.x()>=tx1_)&&(v.x()<=tx2_)&&(v.y()>=ty1_)&&(v.y()<=ty2_)); }
97 bool isIn(const Extent2<T> &r) const {
98 if ( (r.tx1_>=tx1_) && (r.tx2_<=tx2_) && (r.ty1_>=ty1_) && (r.ty2_<=ty2_) ) return true;
99 return false;
100 }
102 bool tolIsIn(const Vector2<T> &v,const T &tol) const {
103 return ((v.x()>=tx1_-tol)&&(v.x()<=tx2_+tol)&&(v.y()>=ty1_-tol)&&(v.y()<=ty2_+tol));
104 }
106 bool tolIsIn(const Extent2<T> &r,const T &tol) const {
107 if ( (r.tx1_>=tx1_-tol) && (r.tx2_<=tx2_+tol) && (r.ty1_>=ty1_-tol) && (r.ty2_<=ty2_+tol) ) return true;
108 return false;
109 }
111 bool intersects(const Extent2<T> &r) const {
112 if ((r.tx2_<tx1_) || (r.tx1_>tx2_) ||
113 (r.ty2_<ty1_) || (r.ty1_>ty2_)) return false;
114 return true;
115 }
117 bool tolIntersects(const Extent2<T> &r,const T &tol) const {
118 if ((r.tx2_<tx1_-tol) || (r.tx1_>tx2_+tol) ||
119 (r.ty2_<ty1_-tol) || (r.ty1_>ty2_+tol)) return false;
120 return true;
121 }
123 // Setters
125 T &rx1() { return tx1_; }
127 T &rx2() { return tx2_; }
129 T &ry1() { return ty1_; }
131 T &ry2() { return ty2_; }
133 T &rdof1(uint32 u) {
134 assert(u<2);
135 if (u)
136 return ty1_;
137 return tx1_;
138 }
140 T &rdof2(uint32 u) {
141 assert(u<2);
142 if (u)
143 return ty2_;
144 return tx2_;
145 }
146 // Changing width or height assumes LL corner (c11) stays constant.
148 void width(const T &t) { tx2_ = tx1_ + t; }
150 void height(const T &t) { ty2_ = ty1_ + t; }
152 void c11(const Vector2<T> &v) { rx1() = v.x(); ry1() = v.y(); }
154 void c12(const Vector2<T> &v) { rx1() = v.x(); ry2() = v.y(); }
156 void c21(const Vector2<T> &v) { rx2() = v.x(); ry1() = v.y(); }
158 void c22(const Vector2<T> &v) { rx2() = v.x(); ry2() = v.y(); }
160 void lowerBound(const Vector2<T> &v) { c11(v); }
162 void upperBound(const Vector2<T> &v) { c22(v); }
164 void size(const Vector2<T> &v) { width(v.x()); height(v.y()); }
166 Vector2<T> bound(const Vector2<T> &v) const { return Vector2<T>(pbound(tx1_,v.x(),tx2_),pbound(ty1_,v.y(),ty2_)); }
168 // Manipulators - unary in place
170 const Extent2<T> &operator+=(const Vector2<T> &v) { tx1_+=v.x(); tx2_+=v.x(); ty1_+=v.y(); ty2_+=v.y(); return *this; }
172 const Extent2<T> &operator-=(const Vector2<T> &v) { tx1_-=v.x(); tx2_-=v.x(); ty1_-=v.y(); ty2_-=v.y(); return *this; }
174 // Binary operators
176 Extent2<T> operator+(const Vector2<T> &v) const { Extent2<T> out(tx1_+v.x(),tx2_+v.x(),ty1_+v.y(),ty2_+v.y()); return out; }
178 Extent2<T> operator-(const Vector2<T> &v) const { Extent2<T> out(tx1_-v.x(),tx2_-v.x(),ty1_-v.y(),ty2_-v.y()); return out; }
182 Extent2<T> out(std::max<T>(tx1_,r.tx1_),std::min<T>(tx2_,r.tx2_),std::max<T>(ty1_,r.ty1_),std::min<T>(ty2_,r.ty2_));
183 return out;
184 }
187 tx1_ = std::min<T>(tx1_,r.tx1_);
188 tx2_ = std::max<T>(tx2_,r.tx2_);
189 ty1_ = std::min<T>(ty1_,r.ty1_);
190 ty2_ = std::max<T>(ty2_,r.ty2_);
191 return *this;
192 }
195 tx1_ = std::min<T>(tx1_,v.x());
196 tx2_ = std::max<T>(tx2_,v.x());
197 ty1_ = std::min<T>(ty1_,v.y());
198 ty2_ = std::max<T>(ty2_,v.y());
199 return *this;
200 }
203 Extent2<T> out(*this);
204 out.expandToInclude(r);
205 return out;
206 }
209 Extent2<T> out(*this);
210 out.expandToInclude(v);
211 return out;
212 }
215 const Extent2<T> &expand(const T &tol) { tx1_ -= tol; tx2_ += tol; ty1_ -= tol; ty2_ += tol; return *this; }
218 Extent2<T> expanded(const T &tol) const { Extent2<T> out(*this); return out.expand(tol); }
220 const Extent2<T> &center(const Vector2<T> &v) {
221 Vector2<T> trans = v - this->centroid();
222 tx1_ += trans.x();
223 tx2_ += trans.x();
224 ty1_ += trans.y();
225 ty2_ += trans.y();
226 return *this;
227 }
229 Extent2<T> center(const Vector2<T> &v) const {
230 Extent2<T> out(*this);
232 return out;
233 }
236 Extent2<T> biggerBy(const T &fact) const {
237 auto s = size()*0.5;
238 s += s*fact;
239 auto c = centroid();
240 Extent2<T> out(c-s,c+s);
241 return out;
242 }
245 T pbound(const T &min,const T &v,const T &max) const { return std::min(std::max(v,min),max); }
246 T tx1_;
247 T tx2_;
248 T ty1_;
249 T ty2_;
252typedef Extent2<double> DExtent2;
253typedef Extent2<float> FExtent2;
254typedef Extent2<int32> IExtent2;
255typedef Extent2<uint32> UExtent2;
256typedef Extent2<int64> I64Extent2;
257typedef Extent2<uint64> U64Extent2;
260// EoF
2D cartesian region in space.
Definition extent2.h:12
T & ry1()
Access reference to the minimum y extent.
Definition extent2.h:129
Extent2< T > operator+(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Binary addition operator, returns a Extent2 offset by v.
Definition extent2.h:176
T volume() const
Returns the volume of the extent assuming unit depth ( width() * height()).
Definition extent2.h:77
bool intersects(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Returns true if Extent2 r intersects (inclusive) the Extent2.
Definition extent2.h:111
const Extent2< T > & expandToInclude(const Extent2< T > &r)
Expands the extent of this Extent2 as necessary to completely include r.
Definition extent2.h:186
T & ry2()
Access reference to the maximum y extent.
Definition extent2.h:131
bool operator!=(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Comparison operator, no tolerance applied.
Definition extent2.h:89
static constexpr Extent2< T > nothing()
Static function returning object with maximum negative size, useful for calculating bounds.
Definition extent2.h:29
Vector2< T > c12() const
Returns one of the four characteristic corners of the 2D extent.
Definition extent2.h:63
Vector2< T > c22() const
Returns one of the four characteristic corners of the 2D extent.
Definition extent2.h:67
Vector2< T > size() const
Returns the size of the Extent2, the width() and height() encoded as a Vector2.
Definition extent2.h:73
Vector2< T > c11() const
Returns one of the four characteristic corners of the 2D extent.
Definition extent2.h:61
Extent2< T > expandedToInclude(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Returns a Extent2 expanded to include point v..
Definition extent2.h:208
Extent2< T > intersectedWith(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Definition extent2.h:181
T diagonal() const
Returns the length of the diagonal from the lower bound to the upper bound.
Definition extent2.h:79
T & rx1()
Access reference to the minimum x extent.
Definition extent2.h:125
const T & dof2(uint32 u) const
Returns the upper bound of degree-of-freedom dof.
Definition extent2.h:48
void lowerBound(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets the lower bound of the Extent2, leaving the upper bound alone.
Definition extent2.h:160
const Extent2< T > & expandToInclude(const Vector2< T > &v)
Expands the extent of this Extent2 as necessary to completely include point v.
Definition extent2.h:194
Extent2(const Vector2< T > &v11, const Vector2< T > &v22)
Explicit constructor, given the lower and upper bounds as two Vector2.
Definition extent2.h:24
const T & y1() const
Returns the lower y-bound.
Definition extent2.h:37
Extent2< T > biggerBy(const T &fact) const
Definition extent2.h:236
Vector2< T > lowerBound() const
Returns the lower bound of the Extent2 (minimum x and y corner).
Definition extent2.h:69
Vector2< T > c21() const
Returns one of the four characteristic corners of the 2D extent.
Definition extent2.h:65
T & rdof1(uint32 u)
Reference access to lower bound of degree-of-freedom dof.
Definition extent2.h:133
const T & y2() const
Returns the upper y-bound.
Definition extent2.h:39
void upperBound(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets the upper bound of the Extent2, leaving the lower bound alone.
Definition extent2.h:162
bool tolIntersects(const Extent2< T > &r, const T &tol) const
Returns true if Extent2 r intersects (inclusive) the Extent2 with an added tolerance factor.
Definition extent2.h:117
const T & x2() const
Returns the upper x-bound.
Definition extent2.h:35
void c11(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets one of the four characteristic corners of the extent, leaving the other two values alone.
Definition extent2.h:152
const T & dof1(uint32 u) const
Returns the lower bound of degree-of-freedom dof.
Definition extent2.h:41
Extent2< T > expandedToInclude(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Returns a Extent2 expanded to completely include r.
Definition extent2.h:202
Extent2(const Extent2< T > &r)
Copy constructor.
Definition extent2.h:26
Vector2< T > centroid() const
Returns the centroid of the Extent2 as a Vector2.
Definition extent2.h:59
Extent2< T > center(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Returns a Extent2 centered about point v.
Definition extent2.h:229
T width() const
Returns the size of the x-extent (x2-x1)
Definition extent2.h:55
bool isIn(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Returns true Extent2 v is inside (inclusive) the Extent2.
Definition extent2.h:97
bool tolIsIn(const Vector2< T > &v, const T &tol) const
Returns true if point v is inside (inclusive) the Extent2 with an added tolerance factor.
Definition extent2.h:102
bool operator<(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Comparison operator, using area() as a metric.
Definition extent2.h:91
bool tolIsEmpty(const double &tol=limits< double >::epsilon() *100) const
Returns true if the area of the Extent2 is <= 0 with a tolerance.
Definition extent2.h:83
void size(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets the size of the Extent2 by moving the maximum x and y extents, leaving the minimum alone.
Definition extent2.h:164
Extent2< T > expanded(const T &tol) const
Definition extent2.h:218
const Extent2< T > & operator+=(const Vector2< T > &v)
In place addition operator, offsets the exent by v.
Definition extent2.h:170
void height(const T &t)
Sets the height of the Extent2 by moving the maximum y extent, leaving the minimum alone.
Definition extent2.h:150
T & rdof2(uint32 u)
Reference access to lower bound of degree-of-freedom dof.
Definition extent2.h:140
bool operator==(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Comparison operator, no tolerance applied.
Definition extent2.h:87
void c22(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets one of the four characteristic corners of the extent, leaving the other two values alone.
Definition extent2.h:158
bool isIn(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Returns true if point v is inside (inclusive) the Extent2.
Definition extent2.h:95
Extent2(const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &y1, const T &y2)
Explicit constructor, given the x and y extents.
Definition extent2.h:22
const Extent2< T > & expand(const T &tol)
Definition extent2.h:215
Default constructor, no data initialization.
Definition extent2.h:19
bool tolIsIn(const Extent2< T > &r, const T &tol) const
Returns true Extent2 v is inside (inclusive) the Extent2 with an added tolerance factor.
Definition extent2.h:106
Vector2< T > upperBound() const
Returns the upper bound of the Extent2 (maximum x and y corner).
Definition extent2.h:71
const Extent2< T > & operator-=(const Vector2< T > &v)
In place subtraction operator, offsets the exent by -v.
Definition extent2.h:172
Vector2< T > bound(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Forces the point v to fall within the Extent2, by clamping the x and y values to fall within it's ext...
Definition extent2.h:166
T & rx2()
Access reference to the maximum x extent.
Definition extent2.h:127
void c21(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets one of the four characteristic corners of the extent, leaving the other two values alone.
Definition extent2.h:156
void width(const T &t)
Sets the width of the Extent2 by moving the maximum x extent, leaving the minimum alone.
Definition extent2.h:148
T height() const
Return sthe size of the y-extent (y2-y1)
Definition extent2.h:57
void c12(const Vector2< T > &v)
Sets one of the four characteristic corners of the extent, leaving the other two values alone.
Definition extent2.h:154
const T & x1() const
Returns the lower x-bound.
Definition extent2.h:33
T area() const
Returns the width()*height() - could be negative.
Definition extent2.h:75
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the area of the Extent2 is <= 0.
Definition extent2.h:81
bool operator>(const Extent2< T > &r) const
Comparison operator, using area() as a metric.
Definition extent2.h:93
Extent2< T > operator-(const Vector2< T > &v) const
Binary subtraction operator, returns a Extent2 offset by -v.
Definition extent2.h:178
const Extent2< T > & center(const Vector2< T > &v)
Centers this Extent2 about point v.
Definition extent2.h:220
2D vector utility class.
Definition vect.h:34
constexpr const T & x() const
X component access.
Definition vect.h:58
constexpr const T & y() const
Y component access.
Definition vect.h:60
debug checked shorthand for std::numeric_limits<T>::
Definition limit.h:25
2D and 3D vector utility classes.