▼ 3dec | |
▼ block | |
► interface | |
ibeamarray.h | Container to store BeamThings |
ibeamcontact.h | This interface provides access to beam contact data |
ibeamthing.h | This is the interface for BeamThing, a C++ wrapper for beam elements |
ibfacearray.h | Container to store block faces PRE-zoning or triangulation |
iblockarray.h | Container to store blockThings |
iblockdef.h | Fortran to C++ type declarations |
iblockthing.h | This is the interface for BlockThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays |
icablearray.h | Container to store CableThings |
icablething.h | This is the interface for CableThing, a C++ wrapper for cable elements |
iconfigure.h | This interface provides access to configuration settings |
icontactarray.h | Container to store ContactThings |
icontactthing.h | This is the interface for ContactThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays |
idowelarray.h | Container to store DowelThings |
idowelthing.h | This is the interface for DowelThing, a C++ wrapper for cable element dowel segments |
ifacearray.h | Container to store block faces POST-zoning or triangulation |
ifaceblockarray.h | Container to store blockThings that are face blocks |
ifacedata.h | Allows access to face scalar data in a generic way |
ifacething.h | This is the interface for FaceThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays |
ifefacearray.h | Container to store FEFaceThings |
ifefacething.h | This is the interface for FEFaceThing, a wrapper for finite element faces |
ifelementarray.h | Container to store FElementThings |
ifelementthing.h | This is the interface for FElementThing, a wrapper for finite elements |
iflowknotarray.h | Container to store FlowKnotThings |
iflowknotthing.h | This is the interface for FlowKnotThing, a C++ wrapper for a flow knot |
iflowplanearray.h | Container to store FlowPlaneThings |
iflowplanething.h | This is the interface for FlowPlaneThing. A FlowPlaneThing represents the top of the fluid flow object hierarchy. Other flow objects such as flow plane zones and vertices can be obtained for each flow plane |
iflowplanevertexarray.h | Container to store FlowPlaneVertexThings |
iflowplanevertexthing.h | This is the interface for FlowPlaneVertexThing, a C++ wrapper for a flow plane vertex |
iflowzonearray.h | Container to store FlowZoneThings |
iflowzonething.h | This is the interface for FlowZoneThing. A FlowZoneThing represents one triangular zone in the flow plane |
igpdata.h | Allows access to gridpoint scalar data in a generic way |
ijointarray.h | Container to store JointFaceThings |
ijointthing.h | This is the interface for JointFaceThing. A JointFaceThing represents a triangle face used only for plotting |
ilinerarray.h | Container to store LinerThings |
ilinerthing.h | This is the interface for LinerThing, a C++ wrapper for liner elements |
imoduleblock.h | |
irangeelement3dec.h | This interface provides access to filters |
irangeelementgint.h | Interface to a group intersection filter element, used to filter objects by group intersection |
irangeelementstate.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on a zone state |
ireinforcementarray.h | Container to store ReinforcementThings |
ireinforcementthing.h | This is the interface for ReinforcementThing, a C++ wrapper for reinforcement elements |
iselnodearray.h | Container to store SELNodeThings |
iselnodething.h | This is the interface for SELNodeThing, a wrapper class for all structural element nodes |
iselprop.h | This is the interface for SelProp, a C++ wrapper for structural element properties |
iselproparray.h | Container to store SelProps |
isubcontactarray.h | Container to store SubcontactThings |
isubcontactthing.h | This is the interface for SubcontactThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays |
itype3dec.h | This interface is a central point to get type const char pointers |
ivertexarray.h | Container to store VertexThings |
ivertexthing.h | This is the interface for VertexThing |
iwater.h | This interface provides access to water table data |
izonearray.h | Container to store ZoneThings |
izonedata.h | This interface provides access to zone data |
izonefielddata.h | Interface for accessing the zone field data |
izoneinterpolate.h | Interface for accessing the zone interpolation class |
izonething.h | This is the interface for ZoneThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays |
▼ blockpython | |
► interface | |
imoduleblockpython.h | |
▼ blocksel | |
► interface | |
imoduleblocksel.h | |
▼ common | |
▼ base | |
► src | |
avect.h | Angular Vectors |
axes.h | 2D and 3D cartesian Axes systems |
base.h | One stop include for all objects defined as part of base interface |
basedef.h | Base type definitions for the engine |
baseexception.h | |
basei.h | |
basememory.h | Comment point for memory allocation in all modules |
basemutex.h | |
baseqstring.h | |
baseqt.h | All default base headers if Qt is being used |
basestring.h | QString helper functions, plus some additions |
basetoqt.h | Combines base interface with Qt – allows Qt to interact with other Base types transparently |
basewin.h | |
callback.h | |
caxes.h | 2D and 3D cartesian Axes systems that are compact |
expected.h | |
export.h | Defines automatic generation of DLL exports and imports for each system supported |
extent2.h | |
extent3.h | Three dimensional extent aligned with cartesian axes |
farray.h | An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access |
flatarray.h | |
idef.h | |
istring.h | |
istringlist.h | |
ivariant.h | |
limit.h | Std::numeric_limits shorthand, with debug overflow checking |
mat.h | |
matrix.h | A template-based matrix class, size fixed at compile time |
orientation.h | Class for storing an "orientation", or a direction in 2D or 3D space |
property.h | |
quat.h | 2D and 3D quaternion utility classes |
spinlock.h | |
symtensor.h | A Symmetric 2nd order tensor |
to.h | A overflow checked shorthand for static_cast<T>() |
type_selector.h | |
variant.h | A simpler (and slightly faster) version of a QVariant, added for interfaces that do not use Qt |
vect.h | 2D and 3D vector utility classes |
version.h | |
win32specific.h | |
▼ contact | |
► interface | |
icontactmodule.h | |
ifragment.h | |
ifragmentlogic.h | |
ifragmentmodule.h | |
▼ contactmodel | |
► src | |
contactmodel.h | Contact model class |
contactmodel_global.h | |
contactmodelfluid.h | |
contactmodelmechanical.h | Mechanical contact model class |
contactmodelthermal.h | |
▼ dfn | |
► interface | |
idfncluster.h | |
idfntemplate.h | |
ifracnetwork.h | |
ifracture.h | |
iintersect.h | |
iintersectionset.h | |
imoduledfn.h | |
irangeelementdfngen.h | |
ivertexdfn.h | |
▼ dfnpython | |
► interface | |
imoduledfnpython.h | |
▼ fish | |
► interface | |
idebug.h | |
iglobalruntime.h | |
iinput.h | |
imain.h | |
ioutput.h | |
iparameter.h | |
iparametervalue.h | |
isymbol.h | |
librarydata.h | |
▼ geometry | |
► interface | |
igeometry.h | Interface for a user-defined geometric point |
igeomimportexport.h | Interface for geometric objects export-imports |
igeomset.h | The interface for a container of a single "set" of geometry elements, representing points, edges, polygons, etc |
irangeelementgeometrydistance.h | |
irangeelementgeometryspace.h | |
▼ jmodels | |
► src | |
jmodelbase.h | |
jointmodel.h | The base class for joint constitutive model plug-ins |
state.h | The base class for constitutive model plug-ins |
stdafx.h | |
stdafx2.h | |
▼ kernel | |
► fishexample | |
fishexample.cpp | |
fishexample.h | Example implentation of the IFishLibrary interface |
resource.h | |
► interface | |
icommandmodule.h | |
ifactorofsafety.h | |
ifishplot.h | This interface exposes a plot data interface (IGeneralPlot) to FISH |
ikernel.h | This interface provides an entry point for command processing |
ilabel.h | Interface to a single label |
ilabellist.h | Interface to the list of all labels in the system |
iprogram.h | The main interface access point |
irangeelementextra.h | |
irangeelementfish.h | Interface for providing an IRangeElement extension for a RangElementFish |
irangeelementinteractive.h | Interface for accessing informations in the three drawable "interactive" filter elements in kernel/src/rangeelementinteractive.h (polygon,rectangle,ellipse) |
irangeelementname.h | |
irangeelementorientation.h | |
irangeelementtype.h | IRangeElementExtension classes provide access information in the Filters that are included in the Kernel library |
▼ models | |
► src | |
conmodel.h | The base class for constitutive model plug-ins |
conmodelbase.h | |
convert.h | The base class for constitutive model plug-ins |
igenerictet.h | |
igenericzone.h | Generic base class for the zone interface made available to the constitutive model system |
propertyblock.h | This class provides reference count for model properties |
sharedpropertyblock.h | This class allows zones to share model properties minimizing memery usage. Models currently using this class are: elastic |
state.h | The base class for constitutive model plug-ins |
▼ modelsutil | |
► interface | |
ifetchproperty.h | |
imodellist.h | |
▼ module | |
► interface | |
dim.h | DIM - Provides code portability between 2D and 3D codes |
iallcontactcontainer.h | |
ibody.h | |
ibodycontainer.h | |
ibodyfluid.h | |
ibodymechanical.h | |
ibodymechanicalcontainer.h | |
ibodythermal.h | |
icellspace.h | Interface to a "refining" cell space |
icontact.h | Contact class |
icontactfluid.h | |
icontactmechanical.h | ContactMechanical class |
icontactmodellist.h | |
icontactmodule.h | |
icontactthermal.h | ContactThermal class |
icontaineractivecontact.h | |
icontainerallactivecontact.h | |
icontainercontact.h | Contact container class |
idata.h | |
idomain.h | IDomain class - define the model boundaries |
ienergymap.h | Interface to EnergyMap class |
iextension.h | Interface class for acessing extension stored in the base class of other things |
ifishcalllist.h | |
igeneralplot.h | This class allows user to draw basic geometric plots using FISH functions |
igenericmodellist.h | |
igeomedge.h | Interface for a user-defined geometric point |
igeompoint.h | Interface for a user-defined geometric point |
igeompoly.h | The interface for a geometry polygon representing a closed collection of edges |
iglobals.h | Interface to module global settings |
igrouplist.h | Group container class |
ihalfedge.h | |
ihalffacet.h | |
ihalfvertex.h | |
ihistory.h | Interface to a particular history being taken by the history logic |
ihistorylist.h | Interface to the list of all IHistories being taken by the history logic |
iident.h | Central class for information identifying the particular program using the kernel library |
iinputitem.h | |
ikernelbase.h | |
ilinktype.h | Interface for LinkType<> objects, POD that contain both the pointer to the next object and an index for reference within the next object |
imacros.h | |
imaxwelldamp.h | Interface to maxwell damping |
inoticemanager.h | Interface to the notification system |
iparenttochildcontainer.h | |
iparse.h | Interface to the main command processing class |
iparticletrace.h | Interface to a particular particle trace being taken by the particle trace logic |
iparticletracelist.h | Interface to the list of all IParticleTraces being taken by the particle trace logic |
ipiece.h | |
ipiececontainer.h | |
ipieceextension.h | |
ipiecefluid.h | |
ipiecemechanical.h | |
ipiecemechanicaldata.h | |
ipiecethermal.h | |
iplane.h | Interface for the definition of a Plane in 3D space |
iprocess.h | |
iprocesslist.h | |
irandom.h | Interface to the random number generator |
irange.h | Interface to a filter, used as the main method for filtering objects |
irangeelement.h | Interface to a filter element, which is a member of a IRange |
irangeelementcontact.h | |
irangeelementgroup.h | Interface to a group filter element, used to filter objects by group assignment |
irangeelementregistry.h | Interface to a access the list of filter elements types registered with the engine |
irangeelementset.h | |
irangeelementsurface.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on connection to a "surface" of the zones |
irangeelementutil.h | |
irangelist.h | Interface to the global list of all named filters |
irayleighdamp.h | Interface to maxwell damping |
irigidbodymechanical.h | |
isettings.h | Interface for accessing kernel settings |
isolvelimits.h | |
isphere.h | |
itable.h | Interface to a particular table of values |
itablelist.h | Interface to the global list of all tables |
iudpos.h | IUDPos interface for user defined data that includes a position in space |
iudscalar.h | IUDScalar is a IUDType<double>, for user-defined scalar |
iudscalarlist.h | Interface for the list of all IUDScalar (user defined tensor). Get with "UDScalar" |
iudtensor.h | IUDTensor is a IUDType<SymTensor>, for user-defined tensor data |
iudtensorlist.h | Interface for the list of all IUDTensor (user defined tensor) |
iudtype.h | IUDType is a template interface class, for values of different types that can be used as user-defined data |
iudtypelist.h | IUDTypeList is a template interface, for a container of IUDType objects |
iudvector.h | IUDVector is a IUDType<DVect>, for user-defined vectors |
iudvectorlist.h | Interface for the list of all IUDVector (user defined tensor) |
▼ python | |
► interface | |
ipythonmodule.h | Interface for the Python module |
▼ sel | |
► interface | |
imodulesel.h | |
irangeelementseltype.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on a SEL type |
isel.h | Interface to the structural elements base class |
iselbeam.h | Interface to beam structural elements |
iselcable.h | Interface to cable structural elements |
iseldowel.h | Interface to dowel structural elements |
iselgeogrid.h | Interface to geogrid structural elements |
iselhybrid.h | Interface to hybrid structural elements |
iselliner.h | Interface to liner structural elements |
iselliner2d.h | Interface to liner structural elements |
isellink.h | Interface to provide access to structural element links |
isellinklist.h | Interface to the global list of all structural elements links |
isellinkmodel.h | Interface to provide access to a structural element constitutive model |
isellist.h | Interface to the global list of all structural elements |
iselnode.h | Interface to provide access to structural element nodes |
iselnodelist.h | Interface to the global list of all structural elements nodes |
iselpile.h | Interface to pile structural elements |
iselshell.h | Interface to shell structural elements |
▼ selpython | |
► interface | |
imoduleselpython.h | |
▼ utility | |
► interface | |
icontainer.h | Interface for container of IThings |
ideletenotice.h | |
igroup.h | |
iguiinput.h | |
iinputrecord.h | |
ikernelinput.h | |
ikerneloutput.h | |
imulticontainer.h | |
itextinput.h | |
itextoutput.h | |
ithing.h | Base class for items that will be stored in containers |
▼ flac3d | |
▼ body | |
► interface | |
ibody.h | Interface for a user-defined geometric point |
ibodyblock.h | Interface to provide access to a IBodyBlock |
ibodyedge.h | Interface to provide to a specifics related to IBodyEdge (related to Body snapon tool but not general GeomEdge) |
ibodyface.h | Interface to provide to a specifics related to IBodyFace (related to Body snapon tool specifics but not general GeomPoly) |
ibodypoint.h | Interface to provide to a specifics related to IBodyPoint (related to Body snapon tool but not general GeomPoint) |
ibodyset.h | The interface for a container of a single "set" of geometry elements, representing points, edges, polygons, etc |
imodulebody.h | |
▼ extruder | |
► interface | |
iextrudeblock.h | |
iextrudeedge.h | |
iextrudepath.h | Provides interface to IExtrudePath. Contains containers for nodes, segments objects |
iextrudepoint.h | |
iextruderegion.h | |
iextrudeset.h | Provides interface to IExtrudeSet. Contains containers for points, edges and blocks objects |
iextrudesetlist.h | Provides interface to IExtrudeSetList, an IContainer of IExtrudeSet objects |
▼ zone | |
► interface | |
iapply.h | |
iapplyitem.h | |
iapplyitemlist.h | |
iapplyitemzone.h | |
iapplylist.h | |
iattach.h | Interface to a attachment object |
iattachlist.h | Interface for accessing the global list of attachments |
iattachpoint.h | |
ibodylogic.h | |
icparticlelist.h | Particle tracking logic |
icreepmodule.h | Interface to the Creep Module, , see IModuleExtension |
idynamicmodule.h | Interface to the Dynamic Module, see IModuleExtension |
idynnode.h | Interface to access dynamic node data |
idynzone.h | Interface to access dynamic zone data |
iface.h | Interface to zone faces |
ifaceweight.h | Interface to zone faces |
ifetchfluidproperty.h | |
ifetchthermalproperty.h | |
ifluidgp.h | Interface to access fluid gridpoint data |
ifluidmodule.h | Interface to the Fluid Module |
ifluidperm.h | |
ifluidsat.h | |
ifluidzone.h | Interface to access fluid zone data |
igp.h | Interface to provide access to a gridpoint |
igpdata.h | Allows access to gridpoint scalar data in a generic way |
igplist.h | Interface to the global list of all grid points |
ihysdamp.h | Interface to hysteretic damping |
iintelem.h | |
iinter.h | Interface to FLAC3D's interface constitutive model |
iinterlist.h | |
iintmodel.h | |
iintnode.h | |
imodulezone.h | |
inode.h | Interface to access node data |
irangeelementmodel.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on a zone model |
irangeelementorientation.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on the orientation of zone faces |
irangeelementstate.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on a zone state |
irangeelementvolume.h | Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on a volume |
isurface.h | Interface to provide access to surfaces, see command GEN SURFACE |
isurfacelist.h | Interface to the global list of all surfaces, see command GEN SURFACE |
itet.h | Interface to one of the tetrahedra used to implement mixed-discretization in a zone |
ithermanasource.h | ThermAnaSource interface for thermal analytical source |
ithermanasourcelist.h | Interface to the global list of all thermal analytical sources |
ithermgp.h | Interface to access gridpoint thermal data |
ithermmodule.h | Interface to the thermal module |
ithermzone.h | Interface to access zone thermal data |
iwatertable.h | Interface for accessing water table data |
izone.h | Interface to provide access to a zone |
izonedata.h | Allows access to zone scalar data in a generic way |
izonefielddata.h | Interface for accessing the zone field data |
izoneglobals.h | Interface to access FLAC3D data, see SET and CONFIG commands |
izoneinterpolate.h | Interface for accessing the zone interpolation class |
izonelist.h | Interface for accessing the global list of zones |
▼ zonepython | |
► interface | |
imodulezonepython.h | |
▼ zonesel | |
► interface | |
imodulezonesel.h | |
▼ pfc | |
▼ ccfd | |
► interface | |
iballfluid.h | |
ibodyfluidcontainer.h | |
iccfdelement.h | |
iccfdhex.h | |
iccfdtet.h | |
iclumpccfd.h | |
ielementcontainer.h | |
ielementfluidcontainer.h | |
imoduleballfluid.h | |
imoduleccfd.h | Interface for the PFC ccfd module |
imoduleclumpccfd.h | |
ipebbleccfd.h | |
▼ ccfdpython | |
► interface | |
iccfdpython.h | |
▼ contactpfcrblock | |
► interface | |
icontactballrblock.h | |
icontactpebblerblock.h | |
icontactpfcrblockmodule.h | |
icontactrblockfwall.h | |
▼ pfcmodule | |
► interface | |
iball.h | Interface for a ball |
iballmechanical.h | |
ibrick.h | |
iclump.h | Interface for clumps |
iclumptemplate.h | Interface for clump templates |
icontactballball.h | |
icontactballfwall.h | |
icontactballpebble.h | |
icontactpebblefwallfacet.h | |
icontactpebblepebble.h | |
icontactwallwall.h | |
ifwall.h | Interface for a faceted wall |
ighostball.h | |
ighostpebble.h | |
ihalffacetparent.h | |
ihalfvertexparent.h | |
iinlet.h | |
imeasure.h | |
imoduleball.h | |
imoduleballmechanical.h | |
imodulebrick.h | |
imoduleclump.h | Interface for the Clump module |
imodulecontactballclump.h | |
imodulecontactballwall.h | |
imodulecontactclumpwall.h | |
imodulemeasure.h | |
imodulewall.h | Interface for the wall module |
ipebble.h | |
ipfcmodule.h | Interface for the PFC module |
itripoly.h | Interface for a TriPoly |
iwall.h | Interface for a generic wall |
▼ pfcpythonmodule | |
► interface | |
ipfcpythonmodule.h | Interface for the PFC-Python module |
▼ pfcsel | |
► interface | |
imodulepfcsel.h | |
▼ pfcthermalmodule | |
► interface | |
iballfluid.h | |
iballthermal.h | |
iclumpthermal.h | |
icontactfluidballball.h | |
icontactfluidballfwallfacet.h | |
icontactthermalballball.h | |
icontactthermalballfwallfacet.h | |
icontactthermalballpebble.h | |
icontactthermalpebblefwallfacet.h | |
icontactthermalpebblepebble.h | |
ifwallfacetfluid.h | |
ifwallfacetthermal.h | |
ifwallfluid.h | |
ifwallthermal.h | |
imoduleballfluid.h | |
imoduleballthermal.h | |
imoduleclumpthermal.h | |
imodulecontactfluidballfwallfacet.h | |
imodulecontactthermalballfwallfacet.h | |
imodulecontactthermalballpebble.h | |
imodulecontactthermalpebblefwallfacet.h | |
imodulefwallfluid.h | |
imodulefwallthermal.h | |
ipebblethermal.h | |
ipfcthermalmodule.h | |
▼ pfcthermalpython | |
► interface | |
ipfcthermalpython.h | |
▼ rblock | |
► interface | |
icontactrblockrblock.h | |
ighostrblock.h | |
irblock.h | |
irblockmodule.h | |
irblocktemplate.h | |
▼ rblockpythonmodule | |
► interface | |
irblockpythonmodule.h | Interface for the RBlock-Python module |
▼ rblocksel | |
► interface | |
imodulerblocksel.h | |
▼ rblockthermal | |
► interface | |
icontactthermalballrblock.h | |
icontactthermalpebblerblock.h | |
icontactthermalrblockfwallfacet.h | |
icontactthermalrblockrblock.h | |
irblockthermal.h | |
irblockthermalmodule.h | Interface for the RBLOCK thermal module |
▼ wallsel | |
► interface | |
iwallselmodule.h | |