Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- leftHandedSystem() : block::IConfigure
- liner() : block::IConfigure
- LinkType() : itascaxd::LinkType< T >
- listObjectAlongCone() : body::IBodySet, itascaxd::IGeomSet
- listObjectAlongCylinder() : body::IBodySet, itascaxd::IGeomSet
- listObjectAlongLine() : body::IBodySet, itascaxd::IGeomSet
- loadJModelPlugins() : block::IModuleBlock
- loadModelPlugins() : block::IModuleBlock
- lock() : SpinLock
- lookupOrCreateWithName() : itasca::ITableList
- lookupWithID() : body::IBody, extruder::IExtrudeSetList, itascaxd::IGeometry, itascaxd::IUDTypeList< T >
- lookupWithName() : body::IBody, extruder::IExtrudeSetList, itasca::ITableList, itascaxd::IGeometry, itascaxd::IHistoryList, itascaxd::ILabelList, itascaxd::IParticleTraceList
- lowerBound() : Extent2< T >, Extent3< T >