Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
1#pragma once
3template <class T> class FlatArray {
5 typedef uint64 size_type;
6 typedef T * iterator;
7 typedef const T *const_iterator;
11 FlatArray(size_type s,double fac=1.3) : defaultStorage_(s), multFac_(fac) { checkAllocated(s); }
12 FlatArray(const FlatArray<T> &f) { operator=(f); }
13 FlatArray(std::initializer_list<T> l) {
14 for (auto it=l.begin();it!=l.end();++it)
15 push_back(*it);
16 }
17 ~FlatArray() { defaultStorage_=0; reset(); }
18 const FlatArray<T> &operator=(const FlatArray<T> &f) {
19 clear();
20 defaultStorage_ = f.defaultStorage_;
21 checkAllocated(f.size());
22 end_ = begin_ + f.size();
23 size_ = f.size();
24 T *bl=begin_;
25 for (T *br=f.begin();bl<end();++bl,++br)
26 new(bl) T(*br);
27 return *this;
28 }
29 const size_type &size() const { return size_; }
30 const size_type &allocated() const { return allocated_; }
31 bool empty() const { return end_ == begin_; }
32 T * data() { return begin_; }
33 const T * data() const { return begin_; }
34 T & front() { return *begin_; }
35 const T & front() const { return *begin_; }
36 T & back() { return *(end_-1); }
37 const T & back() const { return *(end_-1); }
39 void push_back(const T &t) { checkAllocated(size()+1); new(end_) T(t); ++end_; ++size_; }
40 T *emplace_back() { checkAllocated(size()+1); ++size_; return end_++; }
41 void pop_back() { assert(size()); --end_; end_->~T(); --size_; }
42 void resize(size_type i,const T &t=T()) {
43 if (size()==i) return;
44 if (size()>i) {
45 T *e = end_;
46 end_ = begin_ + i;
47 for (T *p=e-1;p>=end_;--p)
48 p->~T();
49 size_ = i;
50 return;
51 }
52 auto s = size();
53 checkAllocated(i);
54 end_ = begin_ + i;
55 size_ = i;
56 for (T *p=begin_+s;p<end_;++p)
57 new(p) T(t);
58 }
59 size_type removeReplaceLast(size_type i) {
60 if (i>=size()) return -1;
61 auto last = end_-1;
62 iterator it = &begin_[i];
63 (*it) = *last;
64 pop_back();
65 return size();
66 }
67 size_type removeReplaceLastClip(size_type i) {
68 if (i>=size()) return -1;
69 auto last = end_-1;
70 iterator it = &begin_[i];
71 (*it) = *last;
72 pop_back();
73 clip();
74 return size();
75 }
77 bool remove(size_type i) {
78 if (i>=size()) return false;
79 for (iterator it=begin_+i;it<end_;++it)
80 *it = *(it+1);
81 pop_back();
82 return true;
83 }
85 size_type removeAll(const T &t) {
86 size_type ret = 0;
87 for (size_type i=0;i<size();) {
88 if (t==at(i)) {
89 remove(i);
90 ++ret;
91 } else
92 ++i;
93 }
94 return ret;
95 }
97 void clear() {
98 if (!std::is_trivial<T>::value)
99 for (T *b=begin_;b<end_;++b)
100 b->~T();
101 end_ = begin_;
102 size_ = 0;
103 }
105 void reset() {
106 clear();
107 if (defaultStorage_ != allocated_) {
108 if (begin_)
109 std::free(begin_);
110 end_ = begin_ = 0;
111 allocated_ = 0;
112 if (defaultStorage_)
113 changeAllocated(defaultStorage_);
114 }
115 }
117 void clip() { if (size()*multFac_<allocated_) changeAllocated(size()*multFac_); }
118 iterator begin() { return begin_; }
119 const_iterator begin() const { return begin_; }
120 const_iterator constBegin() const { return begin_; }
121 iterator end() { return end_; }
122 const_iterator end() const { return end_; }
123 const_iterator constEnd() const { return end_; }
124 T & at(size_type i) { return begin_[i]; }
125 const T & at(size_type i) const { return begin_[i]; }
126 T & operator[](size_type i) { return at(i); }
127 const T & operator[](size_type i) const { return at(i); }
129 void checkAllocated(size_type target) {
130 if (target<=allocated_) return;
131 // How many should be allocated?
132 size_type oldSize = std::max<size_type>(allocated_,defaultStorage_);
133 size_type newsize = multFac_*std::max<size_type>(target,oldSize);
134 changeAllocated(newsize);
135 }
136 void changeAllocated(size_type newSize) {
137 size_type old_size = size();
138 assert(old_size<=newSize);
139 T *newBegin = 0;
140 if (newSize)
141#ifdef _DEBUG
142 newBegin = reinterpret_cast<T *>(itasca::memory::imalloc(newSize*sizeof(T),__FILE__,__LINE__));
144 newBegin = reinterpret_cast<T *>(std::malloc(newSize*sizeof(T)));
146 T *tl = newBegin;
147 for (T *tr=begin_;tr<end_;++tl,++tr) {
148 new(tl) T(*tr);
149 tr->~T();
150 }
151 std::free(begin_);
152 begin_ = newBegin;
153 end_ = begin_ + old_size;
154 allocated_ = newSize;
155 }
156 T * begin_ = 0;
157 T * end_= 0;
158 size_type allocated_ = 0;
159 size_type size_ = 0;
160 size_type defaultStorage_ = 1000;
161 double multFac_ = 1.3;
164template <class T> class FlatArrayVec : public std::vector<T> {
166 typedef uint64 size_type;
167 FlatArrayVec() { }
168 FlatArrayVec(size_type s,double =1.3) : defaultStorage_(s) { this->reserve(defaultStorage_); }
169 FlatArrayVec(const FlatArrayVec<T> &f) { operator=(f); }
170 FlatArrayVec(std::initializer_list<T> l) {
171 for (auto it=l.begin();it!=l.end();++it)
172 push_back(*it);
173 }
174 ~FlatArrayVec() { defaultStorage_=0; reset(); }
175 const FlatArrayVec<T> &operator=(const FlatArrayVec<T> &f) {
176 defaultStorage_ = f.defaultStorage_;
177 this->clear();
178 reserve(f.capacity());
179 assign(f.begin(),f.end());
180 return *this;
181 }
182 const size_type &allocated() const { return this->capacity(); }
183 size_type removeReplaceLast(size_type i) {
184 if (i>=this->size()) return -1;
185 std::swap(this->at(i),this->back());
186 this->pop_back();
187 return this->size();
188 }
189 size_type removeReplaceLastClip(size_type i) {
190 size_type ret = removeReplaceLast(i);
191 this->shrink_to_fit();
192 return ret;
193 }
195 bool remove(size_type i) {
196 if (i>=this->size()) return false;
197 this->erase(i);
198 return true;
199 }
200 size_type removeAll(const T &t) {
201 size_type ret = 0;
202 for (size_type i=0;i<this->size();) {
203 if (t==this->at(i)) {
204 remove(i);
205 ++ret;
206 } else
207 ++i;
208 }
209 return ret;
210 }
211 void reset() {
212 this->clear();
213 if (defaultStorage_ != this->capacity()) {
214 this->resize(defaultStorage_);
215 this->shrink_to_fit();
216 this->clear();
217 }
218 }
219 void clip() { this->shrink_to_fit(); }
221 size_type defaultStorage_ = 1000;
223// EoF
Definition flatarray.h:3
T * iterator
Typedef to assist in STL compatibility.
Definition flatarray.h:6
Default constructor - the array size is zero.
Definition flatarray.h:10
const T * const_iterator
Typedef to assist in STL compatibility.
Definition flatarray.h:7
uint64 size_type
Typedef to assist in STL compatibility.
Definition flatarray.h:5
Definition flatarray.h:164