Itasca C++ Interface
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Classes | Functions | Variables

The Constitutive Model interface library. More...


class  ConstitutiveModel
 The base class for constitutive model plug-ins. More...
class  IGenericTet
 Generic base class for the tetra interface made available to the constitutive model system. More...
class  IGenericZone
 Generic base class for the zone interface made available to the constitutive model system. More...
class  PropertyBlock
 The class provides reference count for model properties. More...
class  SharedPropertyBlock
 This class allows zones to share model properties minimizing memery usage. Models currently using this class are: elastic, mohr, subi. More...
struct  State
 The structure used to pass information to the constitutive model. More...


void getYPfromBS (const double &bulk, const double &shear, double *young, double *poisson)
 Converts Bulk and Shear Modulus to Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio.
void getBSfromYP (const double &young, const double &poisson, double *bulk, double *shear)
 Converts Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio to Bulk and Shear Modulus.


std::mutex lock

Detailed Description

The Constitutive Model interface library.