zone results command


zone results keyword ...

Primary keywords:

active    apply    attach    displacements    extra    forces    groups    interfaces    model-fluid    model-mechanical    model-thermal    pore-pressure    range    saturation    stresses    temperatures    velocities    water

Controls if and what values are saved from zones in an exported results file. See the model results export command. By default, zones values are active. If a boolean is not given following the keyword, it is assumed to be true. The values being exported by default are stresses, groups and displacements.

active <b >

Control if any zone values will be exported.

apply <b >

Applied conditions at zones and zone faces.

attach <b >

All attach condition information.

displacements <b >

Displacement vectors at gridpoints.

extra <b >

All extra variables at zones and gridpoints.

forces <b >

Unbalanced force information at gridpoints, including the last local force ratio.

groups <b >

Group assignments to zones, faces, and gridpoints.

interfaces <b >

All interface information.

model-fluid <b >

All fluid constitutive model information.

model-mechanical <b >

All mechanical constitutive model information.

model-thermal <b >

All thermal constitutive model information.

pore-pressure <b >

Pore pressure values at gridpoints.

range <range>

Specify a range used to filter which zones are included in a results file export. This range is saved and restored as part of the model state. Note that this facility is still somewhat experimental, and there may be issues if zone-dependent features like attach, apply, etc. are also included in a results export.

saturation <b >

Saturation values at gridpoints.

stresses <b >

Average stresses in each zone. Note that the internal subzone stresses are never exported.

temperatures <b >

Temperature values at gridpoints.

velocities <b >

Velocity vectors at gridpoints.

water <b >

All water table information.