Itasca C++ Interface
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zone::IZone Class Referenceabstract

Interface to provide access to a zone. More...

#include <izone.h>

Inheritance diagram for zone::IZone:


struct  FaceCheckInput
struct  FaceCheckOutput
struct  IFacePair

Public Types

enum class  Change { Null , AddToList , RemoveFromList , Active }
enum class  Code { Quad = 0 , Tria }
 Possible Zone types code. More...
enum class  StrainMode {
  ShearRate =1 , ShearInc =2 , VolRate =3 , VolInc =4 ,
  FullRate =5 , FullInc =6 , FullRotRate =7 , FullRotInc =8

Public Member Functions

const IThinggetIThing () const override=0
 returns a const IThing pointer
IThinggetIThing () override=0
 returns a IThing pointer
virtual const IZonegetNext () const =0
virtual IZonegetNext ()=0
virtual uint32 getNumGp () const =0
 Returns the number of gridpoints used by the zone.
virtual uint32 getNumFace () const =0
 Returns the number of faces used by the zone.
virtual const IGpgetGp (uint32 index) const =0
virtual uint32 getFaceSize (uint32 face) const =0
virtual const IGpgetFaceGp (uint32 face, uint32 index) const =0
virtual uint32 getFaceGpIndex (uint32 face, uint32 index) const =0
virtual uint32 getEdgeGpIndex (uint32 edge, uint32 index) const =0
virtual FaceID getFaceID (uint32 side) const =0
virtual DVect getFaceNormal (uint32 face, bool normalize) const =0
virtual DVect getFaceCentroid (uint32 face) const =0
virtual const IZonegetJoin (uint32 face) const =0
virtual const IGroupgetFaceGroup (uint32 side, const ISlotID &slot=ISlotID((uint32) 0)) const =0
 Given a face side and a group slot, returns a const pointer to an IGroup.
virtual QString getFaceGroupName (uint32 side, const ISlotID &slot=ISlotID()) const =0
virtual bool addFaceGroup (uint32 side, const IGroupID &group)=0
virtual bool removeFaceGroup (uint32 side, const IGroupID &group)=0
 Removes the association of a given group with face side.
virtual uint32 isFaceInGroup (uint32 side, const FArray< IGroupID > &ids, TType type=0, bool only=false) const =0
virtual uint32 getFaceGroupList (uint32 side, FArray< IGroupID > *list) const =0
 Return all groups and all slots assigned to the face in a list.
virtual void copyFaceGroups (uint32 side, const IThing *t)=0
 Copy the groups in IThing object to face /side.
virtual std::vector< uint32 > getFaceExtraIndices (uint32 side) const =0
virtual const fish::IParametergetFaceExtra (uint32 side, uint32 index) const =0
 Given an index, returns a const pointer to IFishParam associated with this face side.
virtual void setFaceExtra (uint32 side, uint32 index, const fish::IParameter &p)=0
virtual bool getFaceHidden (uint32 side) const =0
 Returns TRUE if that face of the zone is marked as hidden.
virtual bool setFaceHidden (uint32 side, bool b)=0
 Sets the hidden condition of that face of the zone, returns true if the condition changed.
virtual bool getFaceSelected (uint32 side) const =0
 Returns TRUE if that face of the zone is marked as selected.
virtual bool setFaceSelected (uint32 side, bool b)=0
 sets the selected condition of that face of the zone, returns true if the condition chagned.
virtual bool isFaceInRange (uint32 side, const IRange *range) const =0
 Returns TRUE if the FACE is considered in the range. Creates a temp Face class.
virtual double getDensity () const =0
 Returns the zone dry density.
virtual double getWetDensity () const =0
 Returns the zone wet density.
virtual void setDensity (const double &d)=0
 Sets the zone density.
virtual Code getCode () const =0
 Returns the zone fluid density.
virtual double getAspectTest () const =0
virtual double getAspectTetTest () const =0
virtual void copyState (const IZone *zone)=0
 Copies the state information from zone zone to the current zone.
virtual DVect getThermalFlux () const =0
 Returns the thermal flux vector in the Zone, or a null vector if the zone has not been configured for thermal analysis.
virtual int getFace (const FaceID &fid) const =0
virtual double getSSR (StrainMode mode, SymTensor *fsr) const =0
virtual SymTensor getTetStrainRate (int overlay, int number) const =0
virtual SymTensor getTetStrainIncrement (int overlay, int number) const =0
virtual SymTensor getStrainRate () const =0
virtual SymTensor getStrainIncrement () const =0
virtual string getIsDegenerate () const =0
 Returns non-empty string if the zone is degenerate.
virtual string getSupports2Overlays () const =0
 Returns true if the Zone supports two overlays.
virtual string getCheckGeom () const =0
virtual const ITetgetOverlay (uint32 ov) const =0
 Returns a const pointer to the head of the list of tetrahedron, Itet, comprising the first overlay.
virtual ITetgetOverlay (uint32 ov)=0
 Returns a pointer to the head of the list of tetrahedron, Itet, comprising the first overlay.
virtual const IHysDampgetHysDamp () const =0
 Returns a const pointer to the Hysteretic Damping model, IHysDamp, or null if the zone does not support hysteretic damping.
virtual IHysDampgetHysDamp ()=0
 Returns a const pointer to the Hysteretic Damping model, IHysDamp, or null if the zone does not support hysteretic damping.
virtual IHysDampsetHysDamp ()=0
virtual int initializeModels ()=0
 Initialize all active models (Fluid, Thermal and mechanical). Returns 0 upon completion.
virtual bool isNull () const =0
virtual bool isMechActive () const =0
virtual bool isFluidActive () const =0
virtual bool isThermActive () const =0
virtual string getModelName () const =0
 Returns the name of the mechanical constitutive model present in the zone.
virtual const models::ConstitutiveModelgetModel () const =0
virtual void setModelName (const string &qs, bool updateFlags=true)=0
virtual double getSmallestNormalizedTetVolume (bool deformed=false) const =0
 Return the volume of the smallest tetrahedron in the overlays, normalized to the zone volume.
virtual int getNumTets () const =0
 Returns the number of tetrahedrons in the zone.
virtual double getOrthoTest () const =0
 Performs an orthogonality test on the zone.
virtual double getVolumeTest () const =0
 Performs an volume test on the zone.
virtual double getZoneCondition (int i=0) const =0
 Returns the condition of zone geometry.
virtual double getAvgPP () const =0
 Retrieves the average of the zone gridpoints pore pressures.
virtual base::Property getProperty (const string &sc) const =0
virtual base::Property getProperty (uint32 index) const =0
virtual bool setProperty (const string &sc, const base::Property &v)=0
virtual bool setProperty (int index, const base::Property &v)=0
virtual double getVolumeD (bool deformed) const =0
virtual double getVolume () const =0
virtual DVect getCentroid () const =0
 Returns the location of the centroid of the zone.
virtual SymTensor getAveStress (bool effective=false) const =0
 Computes the average of the overlays tetrahedron stress tensors.
virtual double getAvgTemp () const =0
 Retrieves the average of the zone gridpoints temperatures.
virtual DVect getFlowVector () const =0
 Returns the flow vector.
virtual uint32 getAvgState (int *piNum, bool bAvgKeyword, bool noPast=false) const =0
 Returns a mask filled with a state indicator for the zone.
virtual string getStateName (uint32 bit) const =0
virtual void setStress (const double &val, uint32 pn)=0
virtual void setStress (const SymTensor &sym)=0
 Assign the stress state in sym to the zone, overwriting every overlay tetrahedron.
virtual void setState (uint32 state)=0
virtual void getTetGridPoints (int iOverlay, int iTet, IGp *gplist[])=0
virtual const IThermZonegetIThermZone () const =0
 returns a constant pointer to the zone thermal extension data
virtual IThermZonegetIThermZone ()=0
 returns a pointer to the zone thermal extension data
virtual StringList getPropertyNames () const =0
 returns a list of all the valid properties of the current constitutive model assigned to this zone
virtual uint32 getPropertyIndex (const string &sc) const =0
virtual string getPropertyName (uint32 index) const =0
virtual bool getBit (int bit) const =0
virtual void setBit (int bit, bool b) const =0
virtual QVariant getValue (int index) const =0
virtual void setValue (int index, const QVariant &v) const =0
virtual const IFluidZonegetIFluidZone () const =0
 Returns a const pointer to the interface to access fluid zone data.
virtual IFluidZonegetIFluidZone ()=0
 Returns a pointer to the interface to access fluid zone data.
virtual IZonegetLinkZone (uint32 index)=0
 Returns a const pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data.
virtual const IZonegetLinkZone (uint32 index) const =0
 Returns a const pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data.
virtual uint32 getLinkIndex (uint32 index) const =0
virtual bool fishIO (bool save, fish::File *pnt)=0
virtual double getStrengthStressRatio (const SymTensor &s) const =0
virtual double getWPVol () const =0
 Returns the total volumetric plastic work dissipated, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual void setWPVol (const double &dwpv)=0
 Sets the total volumetric plastic work dissipated, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual double getWPShear () const =0
 Returns the total shear plastic work dissipated, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual void setWPShear (const double &dwps)=0
 Sets the total shear plastic work dissipated, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual double getWPTotal () const =0
 Returns the total shear plastic work dissipated (sum of getWPVol() and getWPShear()), see SET ENERGY command.
virtual double getWEVol () const =0
 Returns the total volumetric elastic work, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual void setWEVol (const double &dwpv)=0
 Sets the total volumetric elastic work, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual double getWEShear () const =0
 Returns the total shear elastic work, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual void setWEShear (const double &dwps)=0
 Sets the total shear elastic work, see SET ENERGY command.
virtual double getWETotal () const =0
 Returns the total elastic work (sum of getWEVol() and getWEShear()), see SET ENERGY command.
virtual string getFluidModel () const =0
virtual StringList getFluidProperties () const =0
 Returns the list of properties for the fluid model.
virtual base::Property getFluidProp (const string &name, bool exception) const =0
 Given a fluid property name, returns its value;.
virtual int getFluidPropIndex (const string &name) const =0
virtual base::Property getFluidProp (uint32 index) const =0
virtual void setFluidProp (const string &name, const base::Property &val)=0
 Sets the values of a given a fluid property name.
virtual void setFluidProp (uint32 index, const base::Property &val)=0
virtual void setThermModel (const string &name)=0
virtual StringList getThermProperties () const =0
 Returns the list of properties for the thermal model.
virtual string getThermModel (bool exception) const =0
 Returns the name of the zone thermal model.
virtual base::Property getThermProp (const string &name, bool exception) const =0
 Given a thermal property name, returns its value;.
virtual uint32 getThermPropIndex (const string &name) const =0
virtual base::Property getThermProp (uint32 index) const =0
virtual void setThermProp (const string &name, const base::Property &prop)=0
 Sets the values of a given a thermal property name.
virtual void setThermProp (uint32 index, const base::Property &prop)=0
virtual bool isInZn (const DVect &dv, const double &relTol=1.0e-5, bool use2=false) const =0
virtual bool checkZoneForPlot (bool removeHidden, bool showSelected, bool hideNull) const =0
virtual bool checkFaceForPlot (const FaceCheckInput &inp, FaceCheckOutput *outp) const =0
virtual bool checkFaceForPlotFace (uint32 side, uint64 *id, FArray< DVect > *vertices, bool excludeSelected=true) const =0
virtual bool checkFaceForPlotFaceSelected (uint32 side, uint64 *id, FArray< DVect > *vertices) const =0
virtual void fillZoneVertices (FArray< DVect > *vertices) const =0
virtual void fillAllZoneFaces (FArray< FArray< DVect > > *allVertices, bool *selected, uint64 *id) const =0
virtual int findFaceNormal (const DVect &v) const =0
virtual double getMultiplier () const =0
virtual bool CMSupportsHysDamp () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from models::IGenericZone
virtual TType getType () const =0
 Returns the actual type of the fully derived class represented by this object.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * unassignedModelName ()

Static Public Attributes

static const TType type_ = 0x4c815bf8
 The type identification number for this class, for use in convert_cast() and convert_getcast().
- Static Public Attributes inherited from models::IGenericZone
static const TType type_ = 0x4e13414f
 The type of IGenericZone, used in the alternate dynamic typing system based on IThing.

Detailed Description

Interface to provide access to a zone.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Code

enum class zone::IZone::Code

Possible Zone types code.


Quadrilateral shaped zone.


Triangular zone.

◆ StrainMode

enum class zone::IZone::StrainMode

This functions computes and returns zone deformation quantities.

  • imode is an integer ranging between 1 and 8.
    If imode is lower or equal to 4, then the returned value corresponds to:
  • imode=1: shear strain rate,
  • imode=2: shear strain increment,
  • imode=3: volumetric strain rate,
  • imode=4: volumetric strain increment.
    If imode is greater than 4, then the returned value is null, and the result of the compuatation is stored in the tensor dpFSR, with:
  • imode=5: full strain-rate tensor,
  • imode=6: full strain-increment tensor,
  • imode=7: full rotation-rate tensor,
  • imode=8: full rotation-increment tensor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addFaceGroup()

virtual bool zone::IZone::addFaceGroup ( uint32 side,
const IGroupID & group )
pure virtual

Associates an IGroup to face side in a given slot. If slot is set to limits<uint32>::max(), program will use the first available slot.

◆ fishIO()

virtual bool zone::IZone::fishIO ( bool save,
fish::File * pnt )
pure virtual

If save is true, save the zone information to IFish.
If save is false, restore the zoneinformation to IFish.
Returns 0 if function is successful, otherwise an error code correspondig to a IFishIO error.
See 'Saving State Information' in FISH in FLAC manual.

◆ getAspectTest()

virtual double zone::IZone::getAspectTest ( ) const
pure virtual

Test the aspect ratio of the Zone and returns a double between 0 (if the zone has a bad geometry) and 1 (if the geometry is good).
A zone is considered to have a bad geometry if it contains negative or zero volume tetrahedra in its overlays.

◆ getAspectTetTest()

virtual double zone::IZone::getAspectTetTest ( ) const
pure virtual

Tests the aspect ratio of the Zones internal tetrahedra, and returns the minimum value obtained for all. Returns a double between 0 (bad geometry) and 1 (perfect possible).

◆ getAvgState()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getAvgState ( int * piNum,
bool bAvgKeyword,
bool noPast = false ) const
pure virtual

Returns a mask filled with a state indicator for the zone.

If bAvgKeyword is true, then sets a bit if the more than 50% of the volume of the internal tetrahedra have the bit set.
If false, then sets the bit if any of the internal tetrahdra have the bit set.

  • piNum, if non-null, is filled with the total number of states available.

◆ getBit()

virtual bool zone::IZone::getBit ( int bit) const
pure virtual

Returns the boolean stored in utility bit bit in the zone.

◆ getCode()

virtual Code zone::IZone::getCode ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the zone fluid density.

Returns the Code corresponding the the Zone type, see the Code enumeration

◆ getEdgeGpIndex()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getEdgeGpIndex ( uint32 edge,
uint32 index ) const
pure virtual

Returns the index of the gridpoint on edge edge and vertex index.

edgestarts at 0, and must be lower than 12.
indexstarts at 0, and must be lower than 2.

◆ getFace()

virtual int zone::IZone::getFace ( const FaceID & fid) const
pure virtual

Returns the face index corresponding to any three (in 3D) or 2 (in 2D) gridpoint ids on a zone face, return the face index.
Returns -1 if the face is not found.

◆ getFaceCentroid()

virtual DVect zone::IZone::getFaceCentroid ( uint32 face) const
pure virtual

Returns the location of the centroid of face face in the global coordinate system.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.

◆ getFaceExtraIndices()

virtual std::vector< uint32 > zone::IZone::getFaceExtraIndices ( uint32 side) const
pure virtual

Face Extra Variable support Returns the number of extra FISH variables associated with this face side

◆ getFaceGp()

virtual const IGp * zone::IZone::getFaceGp ( uint32 face,
uint32 index ) const
pure virtual

Returns a const pointer to the gridpoint on face face and vertex index.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.
indexstarts at 0, and must be lower than 4.

◆ getFaceGpIndex()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getFaceGpIndex ( uint32 face,
uint32 index ) const
pure virtual

Returns the index of the gridpoint on face face and vertex index.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.
indexstarts at 0, and must be lower than 4.

◆ getFaceGroupName()

virtual QString zone::IZone::getFaceGroupName ( uint32 side,
const ISlotID & slot = ISlotID() ) const
pure virtual

Given a face side and a group slot, returns the group name. If slot is not given (or set to limits<uint32>::max()), the group name will contain the name of all groups that this face is associated with, separated by character ':'.

◆ getFaceNormal()

virtual DVect zone::IZone::getFaceNormal ( uint32 face,
bool normalize ) const
pure virtual

Returns the unit normal vector to face face.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.

◆ getFaceSize()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getFaceSize ( uint32 face) const
pure virtual

Returns the number of gridpoints used by the face of index face.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.

◆ getGp()

virtual const IGp * zone::IZone::getGp ( uint32 index) const
pure virtual

Returns a const pointer to the gridpoint with index index.

indexstarts at 0, and must be lower than the number of gridpoint used by the zone, see getNumGp()

◆ getIThing() [1/2]

const IThing * zone::IZone::getIThing ( ) const
overridepure virtual

returns a const IThing pointer

Implements models::IGenericZone.

◆ getIThing() [2/2]

IThing * zone::IZone::getIThing ( )
overridepure virtual

returns a IThing pointer

Implements models::IGenericZone.

◆ getJoin()

virtual const IZone * zone::IZone::getJoin ( uint32 face) const
pure virtual

Returns a const pointer to the zone, IZone, across face face.

facestarts at 0, and must be lower than 6.

◆ getLinkIndex()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getLinkIndex ( uint32 index) const
pure virtual

Returns an the index of the gridpoint at index index, in the zone returned from getLinkZone(). Will return 0 if getLinkZone() returns null.

See also

◆ getLinkZone() [1/2]

virtual const IZone * zone::IZone::getLinkZone ( uint32 index) const
pure virtual

Returns a const pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data.

Returns a pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data Returns a pointer to the next zone connected to the gridpoint at index index, or 0 if at the end of the list.

See also

◆ getLinkZone() [2/2]

virtual IZone * zone::IZone::getLinkZone ( uint32 index)
pure virtual

Returns a const pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data.

Returns a pointer to the interface to access dynamic zone data Returns a pointer to the next zone connected to the gridpoint at index index, or 0 if at the end of the list.

See also

◆ getNext() [1/2]

virtual const IZone * zone::IZone::getNext ( ) const
pure virtual

returns a const pointer to the next zone object, IZone, in the global zone list, or 0 to indicate the end of the list. See IZoneList::getFirstZone().

◆ getNext() [2/2]

virtual IZone * zone::IZone::getNext ( )
pure virtual

returns a pointer to the next zone object, IZone, in the global zone list, or 0 to indicate the end of the list. See IZoneList::getFirstZone().

◆ getProperty()

virtual base::Property zone::IZone::getProperty ( const string & sc) const
pure virtual

Returns the value of the zone MECHANICAL property corresponding to sc.
An exception is thrown if sc is not recognized.

◆ getPropertyIndex()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::getPropertyIndex ( const string & sc) const
pure virtual

Given a property name, returns the index of the property of the constitutive model assigned to this zone.

Base 1, returns 0 if name is not found.

◆ getPropertyName()

virtual string zone::IZone::getPropertyName ( uint32 index) const
pure virtual

Given an index, returns the name of the property of the constitutive model assigned to this zone.

Base 1, returns string{} if index is less then 1 or greater than the number of properties.

◆ getStateName()

virtual string zone::IZone::getStateName ( uint32 bit) const
pure virtual

Returns the name of the state associated with bit bit in the current constitutive model, or string{} if none.

◆ getStrengthStressRatio()

virtual double zone::IZone::getStrengthStressRatio ( const SymTensor & s) const
pure virtual

Returns the Stress to Strength ratio based on the current constitutive model properties and stress state s.
The Stress to Strength ratio is greater than or equal to 1.0. A value of 1.0 means that the zone is failing If the zone does not currently have any assigned constitutive model, or if the loaded constitutive model does not support this operation, then a default value of 10 is returned.

◆ getTetGridPoints()

virtual void zone::IZone::getTetGridPoints ( int iOverlay,
int iTet,
IGp * gplist[] )
pure virtual

Retrieves the gridpoints associated with internal tetra iTet of overlay iOverlay (0 to 1). The gridpoint pointers are stored in the array gplist.

No error checking is done on the values of iOverlay or iTet. Passing in illegal values will result in undefined behavior.

◆ getValue()

virtual QVariant zone::IZone::getValue ( int index) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value stored in the utility array at index.

◆ getVolumeD()

virtual double zone::IZone::getVolumeD ( bool deformed) const
pure virtual

Calculates and returns the current volume of the zone.
If deformed is true, then includes the current displacement field in the calculation.

◆ getWPVol()

virtual double zone::IZone::getWPVol ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the total volumetric plastic work dissipated, see SET ENERGY command.

Applies a boundary condition to face face of this zone.

  • item must be "sxx", "syy", "szz", "sxy", "syz", "sxz", "dstress", "sstress", or "nstress".
  • options can be "add", "mul", or "remove", otherwise the value is assigned.
  • val is the value of that item applies. It is ignored if options is "remove".

◆ isFaceInGroup()

virtual uint32 zone::IZone::isFaceInGroup ( uint32 side,
const FArray< IGroupID > & ids,
TType type = 0,
bool only = false ) const
pure virtual

Returns true is face side us associated with a given group in a given slot. If the slot is set to limits<uint32>::max(), returns true the association occurs in any slot for that group.

◆ isInZn()

virtual bool zone::IZone::isInZn ( const DVect & dv,
const double & relTol = 1.0e-5,
bool use2 = false ) const
pure virtual

Returns TRUE if the point dv falls inside this zone, within a relative tolerance of relTol. Implemented by checking the volume owned by the internal tetra overlays. If use2 is set to true, then BOTH internal overlays are checked, otherwise only the first overlay is checked. relTol is a tolerance factor used in the "inside" check. Multiplied by maximum zone extent edge size to get absolute tolerance. Uses internal tetra, and by default uses one of the two tetra overlays. If useTwo is true, checks both overlays.

◆ setBit()

virtual void zone::IZone::setBit ( int bit,
bool b ) const
pure virtual

Sets the boolean stored in utility bit bit in the zone. This function is const, to indicate that setting bit values does not impact the calculation logic in any way.

◆ setFaceExtra()

virtual void zone::IZone::setFaceExtra ( uint32 side,
uint32 index,
const fish::IParameter & p )
pure virtual

Given an index, returns a pointer to IFishParam associated with this face side. Throws an exception if index is greater than 128. Function will automaticlly resize the array of FISH varaiables if necessary.

◆ setModelName()

virtual void zone::IZone::setModelName ( const string & qs,
bool updateFlags = true )
pure virtual

Load the constitutive model corresponding to name qs.

qsis the name of the model to be loaded. An exception is thrown if this name is not recognized.

◆ setProperty()

virtual bool zone::IZone::setProperty ( const string & sc,
const base::Property & v )
pure virtual

Sets the value v to zone MECHANICAL property sc.
Returns true if the value was assigned, or false if sc is not recognized

◆ setState()

virtual void zone::IZone::setState ( uint32 state)
pure virtual

Assigns the value state to the state fields of ALL internal tetraha. Note that this assigns all bit values at once.

◆ setStress()

virtual void zone::IZone::setStress ( const double & val,
uint32 pn )
pure virtual

assign the value val to the component pn of every overlay tetrahedron.

  • pn indicates the stress tensor component as follows.
  • pn=0: XX-component.
  • pn=1: YY-component.
  • pn=2: ZZ-component.
  • pn=3: XY-component.
  • pn=4: YZ-component.
  • pn=5: XZ-component.

◆ setThermModel()

virtual void zone::IZone::setThermModel ( const string & name)
pure virtual

Given a valid thermal model name (th_null, th_isotropic, th_anisotropic, th_ac or th_hydration) applies the model to the zone. Throws Exception if namei s invalid.

◆ setValue()

virtual void zone::IZone::setValue ( int index,
const QVariant & v ) const
pure virtual

Sets the value stored in the utility array at index. This is const to indicate that these bit values to not modify the model in any way.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: