Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
2// igp.h
9// Gp Masks
10//static const uint32 N_XFIX = 0x00000001; /* X Fix Flag */
11//static const uint32 N_YFIX = 0x00000002; /* Y Fix Flag */
12//static const uint32 N_ZFIX = 0x00000004; /* Z Fix Flag */
13//static const uint32 N_MULT = 0x00000008; /* Multiplier manually set flag */
14//static const uint32 GF_NULL = 0x00000010; // PRIVATE NOW STILL IN USE
15static const uint32 GF_AVAIL = 0x00000020; // Available to user
16static const uint32 GF_AVAIL2 = 0x00000040; // Available to user
17static const uint32 GF_GEN1 = 0x00000080; // Gen Iterator Mask
18static const uint32 GF_GEN2 = 0x00000100; // Gen Iterator Mask
19static const uint32 GF_XQUIET = 0x00000200; // Quiet bound. flag
20static const uint32 GF_YQUIET = 0x00000400; // Quiet bound. flag
21static const uint32 GF_ZQUIET = 0x00000800; // Quiet bound. flag
22//static const uint32 GF_NOEOM = 0x00010000; // Indiciates equations-of-motion are to be skipped PRIVATE NOW STILL IN USE
23static const uint32 GF_TEMP = 0x00020000; // TEMPORARY FLAG - used internally
24static const uint32 GF_FF1 = 0x00040000; // Gp in corner FF
25static const uint32 GF_FF2 = 0x00080000; // Gp in side FF
26//static const uint32 GF_INTER = 0x00100000; // Indicates GP is a coincidentGp on a host interface node
27//static const uint32 GF_FDSCRG = 0x00200000; // Fluid discharge flag
28//static const uint32 GF_FLKG = 0x00400000; // Fluid leakage flag
29//static const uint32 GF_FPWELL = 0x00800000; // Fluid pwell flag
30static const uint32 GF_LOCSMALL = 0x01000000; // Local small-strain Motion update
31static const uint32 GF_WG = 0x40000000; // Westergaard condition flag
36namespace fish {
37 class File;
40namespace itasca {
41 class IThing;
42 class IFishParam;
43 class IFish;
44 class IGroup;
47namespace zone {
48 class INode;
49 class IFluidGp;
50 class IThermGp;
51 class IZone;
52 using itasca::IThing;
56 class IGp {
57 public:
59 inline static const TType type_ = 0x4c815bed;
60 enum class Change { Null, AddToList, RemoveFromList, Active };
62 virtual const IThing * getIThing() const=0;
64 virtual IThing * getIThing()=0;
66 virtual const INode * getINode() const=0;
67 virtual INode * getINode()=0;
70 virtual const IGp * getNext() const=0;
72 virtual bool isNull() const=0;
74 virtual DVect getVelocity(bool local=false) const=0;
76 virtual void setVelocity(const DVect &v,bool local=false)=0;
78 virtual DVect getDisplacement(bool local=false) const=0;
80 virtual void setDisplacement(DVect v,bool local=false) =0;
82 virtual DVect getSmallDisplacement(bool local=false) const=0;
84 virtual void setSmallDisplacement(DVect v,bool local=false) =0;
86 virtual DVect getFobLast(bool local=false) const=0;
88 virtual DVect getFap(bool local=false) const=0;
93 virtual DVect getTotalForceLast(bool reaction=false,bool local=false) const=0;
94 virtual DVect getTotalForceCurrent(const DVect &gravity,bool reaction=false,bool local=false) const=0;
96 virtual DVect getPosition() const=0;
98 virtual void setPosition(const DVect &v) =0;
100 virtual const IFluidGp * getIFluidGp() const=0;
102 virtual IFluidGp * getIFluidGp() =0;
104 virtual void copyState(const IGp *gp)=0;
106 virtual bool getLocSmall() const =0;
108 virtual void setLocSmall(bool b) =0;
110 virtual double getInertialMass() const=0;
112 virtual double getGravitationalMass() const=0;
114 virtual void setGravitationalMass(const double &d)=0;
116 virtual double getPP() const =0;
118 virtual void setPP(double d) =0;
119 virtual double getHead(const DVect &datum) const=0;
121 virtual bool getPPFix() const = 0;
123 virtual void setPPFix(bool b) = 0;
125 virtual double getSaturation() const=0;
127 virtual void setSaturation(double d) =0;
129 virtual const IThermGp * getIThermGp() const =0;
131 virtual IThermGp * getIThermGp() =0;
133 virtual bool getTFix() const =0;
135 virtual void setTFix(bool b) =0;
138 virtual IVect getFix() const =0;
141 virtual void setFix(IVect v) =0;
144 virtual DVect getFApplyUser(bool local=false) const=0;
147 virtual DVect getMassAdd(bool local=false) const=0;
149 virtual void setMassAdd(const DVect &v,bool local=false) =0;
151 virtual void setFApplyUser(const DVect &d,bool local=false) =0;
152 virtual bool getLocalSystem() const=0;
154 virtual Axes getSystem() const=0;
156 virtual void setSystem(const Axes &a) = 0;
159 virtual bool getBit(int bit) const=0;
164 virtual void setBit(int bit,bool b) const=0;
167 virtual QVariant getValue(int index) const=0;
171 virtual void setValue(int index,const QVariant &v) const=0;
184 virtual IZone * getLinkZone()=0;
185 virtual const IZone * getLinkZone() const=0;
188 virtual uint32 getLinkIndex() const=0;
193 virtual bool fishIO(bool save,fish::File *f)=0;
195 virtual double getStiff() const=0;
197 //virtual void setStiff(const double &d) =0;
199 virtual double getTempChange() const=0;
201 virtual void setTempChange(const double &d)=0;
202 virtual double getConvergence() const=0;
203 virtual double getRatioTarget() const=0;
204 virtual void setRatioTarget(const double &d)=0;
205 virtual bool getAttached() const=0;
206 };
207} // namespace zone
208// EoF
Class for specifying a particular 3D cartesian axes system, and converting to and from it.
Definition axes.h:121
Base class for items that will be stored in containers.
Definition ithing.h:30
Interface to access fluid gridpoint data.
Definition ifluidgp.h:14
Interface to provide access to a gridpoint.
Definition igp.h:56
virtual QVariant getValue(int index) const =0
virtual const IThing * getIThing() const =0
Returns a const IThing pointer.
virtual double getSaturation() const =0
Returns the gridpoint fluid saturation, see setSat()
virtual void setBit(int bit, bool b) const =0
virtual IVect getFix() const =0
virtual bool getBit(int bit) const =0
virtual void setTFix(bool b)=0
If parameter is true, sets the thermal FIX flag on.
virtual IThermGp * getIThermGp()=0
Returns a pointer to IThermGp.
virtual bool getTFix() const =0
Returns 1 if the gridpoint thermal FIX flag is set, otherwise value 0 indicates that the thermal fix ...
virtual const INode * getINode() const =0
Returns a pointer to itself.
virtual void setMassAdd(const DVect &v, bool local=false)=0
Sets the additional applied mass at a gridpoint.
virtual double getPP() const =0
Returns the gridpoint pore-pressure, see setPP()
virtual void setPosition(const DVect &v)=0
Sets the gridpoint position, see getPosition()
virtual void setVelocity(const DVect &v, bool local=false)=0
Sets the gridpoint velocity, see getVelocity();.
virtual void setGravitationalMass(const double &d)=0
Sets the gridpoint gravitational mass, see getGravitationalMass()
virtual double getTempChange() const =0
Sets the gridpoint stiffness.
virtual void setSmallDisplacement(DVect v, bool local=false)=0
Sets the gridpoint displacement for small strain, see getSmallDisplacement()
virtual double getStiff() const =0
Returns the gridpoint stiffness.
virtual const IThermGp * getIThermGp() const =0
Returns a const pointer to IThermGp.
virtual DVect getVelocity(bool local=false) const =0
Returns the gridpoint velocity, see setVelocity();.
virtual void setPPFix(bool b)=0
If parameter b is treu, sets the gridpoint pore-pressure to be kept fixed during calculation,...
virtual const IFluidGp * getIFluidGp() const =0
Returns a const pointer to the gridpoint fluid-flow data.
virtual bool getLocSmall() const =0
Returns 1 if gridpoint behaves as in small-strain mode. See setLocSmall();.
virtual void setFApplyUser(const DVect &d, bool local=false)=0
using the APPLY command. See getFApplyUser()
virtual IFluidGp * getIFluidGp()=0
Returns a pointer to the gridpoint fluid-flow data.
virtual void setLocSmall(bool b)=0
If parameter b is true, the gridpoint will behave as in small-strain mode. See getLocSmall();.
virtual DVect getDisplacement(bool local=false) const =0
Returns the gridpoint displacement, seet setDisplacement();.
virtual IZone * getLinkZone()=0
virtual DVect getTotalForceLast(bool reaction=false, bool local=false) const =0
virtual bool isNull() const =0
Returns true to indicate that gridpoint is "nulled".
virtual void setPP(double d)=0
Sets the gridpoint pore-pressure, see getPP()
virtual DVect getFobLast(bool local=false) const =0
Returns the gridpoint out of balance force.
virtual bool fishIO(bool save, fish::File *f)=0
virtual DVect getFApplyUser(bool local=false) const =0
virtual DVect getSmallDisplacement(bool local=false) const =0
Returns the gridpoint displacement accumulated for small strain, see setSmallDisplacement()
virtual void setFix(IVect v)=0
virtual DVect getPosition() const =0
Returns the gridpoint position, see setPosition()
virtual DVect getFap(bool local=false) const =0
Returns the sum of the gridpoint static applied force and the dynamic applied force.
virtual void setTempChange(const double &d)=0
Sets dDTemp.
static const TType type_
The type identification number for this class, for use in convert_cast() and convert_getcast().
Definition igp.h:59
virtual const IZone * getLinkZone() const =0
virtual DVect getMassAdd(bool local=false) const =0
virtual double getInertialMass() const =0
Returns the gridpoint inertial mass, see setInertialMass()
virtual void setValue(int index, const QVariant &v) const =0
virtual bool getPPFix() const =0
Returns 1 if the gridpoint has fixed pore-pressure, otherwise value 0 indicates non-fixed pore-pressu...
virtual void setDisplacement(DVect v, bool local=false)=0
Sets the gridpoint displacement, seet getDisplacement();.
virtual IThing * getIThing()=0
Returns a IThing pointer.
virtual void setSystem(const Axes &a)=0
Sets the user-defined local axes.
virtual const IGp * getNext() const =0
virtual void setSaturation(double d)=0
Sets the gridpoint fluid saturation, see getSat()
virtual double getGravitationalMass() const =0
Returns the gridpoint gravitational mass, see setGravitationalMass()
virtual uint32 getLinkIndex() const =0
virtual Axes getSystem() const =0
Returns the user-defined local axes.
virtual void copyState(const IGp *gp)=0
Copies the state of this gridpoint to gp.
Interface to access node data.
Definition inode.h:18
Interface to access gridpoint thermal data.
Definition ithermgp.h:12
Interface to provide access to a zone.
Definition izone.h:80
DIM - Provides code portability between 2D and 3D codes.
uint32 TType
class type indicator
Definition basedef.h:46
DVect3 DVect
Vector of doubles, either 2D or 3D.
Definition dim.h:154
IVect3 IVect
Vector of ints, either 2D or 3D.
Definition dim.h:156
namespace Itasca
Definition basememory.cpp:14