sketch joint-set domain command


sketch joint-set domain keyword ...

Primary keywords:

by-edges    by-nodes    by-positions    extent    clear

Specify the domain boundary where joint-sets are generated.

by-edges i1 i2 ...

List of edge IDs that define the domain boundary. The edges must be given in order and form a closed polygon.

by-nodes i1 i2 ...

List of node IDs that define the external boundary of the domain. The nodes must be given in order and form a closed polygon.

by-positions v1 v2 ...

List of nodal positions that define the external boundary of the domain. The positions must be given in order and form a closed polygon.

extent fxl fxu <fyl fyu >

Specify the locations of the sides of the domain. Each set of values applies to the lower and upper bound of that dimension of the domain. If fxl and fxu are specified alone, then the domain is a square.


Clear the domain.