
Commands on this page: c block, c edge, c mesh, c path,, c point, c segment, c set.

sketch block

A block is a 2D object in a sketch set consisting of a closed boundary and a mesh within it. Each boundary of a block (external or internal) must contain at least 3 connected edges (where any edge is defined by two end points and a curvature type).

Blocks of two types can be created: regular and irregular. Regular blocks are simply-connected 3- or 4-sided polygons (triangles or quadrilaterals) with structured mesh. All other types of blocks are considered to be irregular and they are meshed with unstructured mesh. Examples of irregular blocks are: blocks containing 5 or more edges on the external boundary (which may be convex or concave), blocks with multiply-connected or multiple boundaries (e.g., a block containing nested blocks), blocks with edges protruding inside.

again, images here would be great

Both structured and unstructured meshes consist of triangular and/or quadrilateral elements. Upon extrusion, a single zone (brick or wedge) is created from each element of the mesh. All blocks in a set—regular or irregular—must be meshed in order to create zones using the zone generate from-sketch command.

sketch block create

sketch block delete

sketch block group

sketch block id

sketch block list

sketch block multiplier

sketch block position

sketch edge

An edge is defined by two end points and by its curvature type, which must be one of: simple (line), polyline, arc, or spline. Types other than simple will be further defined by control points lying between the end points that give definition to the edge shape.

sketch edge clear

sketch edge combine

sketch edge create

sketch edge delete

sketch edge group

sketch edge id

sketch edge list

sketch edge ratio

sketch edge ratio-isolate

sketch edge ratio-reverse

sketch edge size

sketch edge size-default

sketch edge zone-length

sketch edge zone-length-default

sketch joint-set

A joint-set is a set of sub-parallel fractures, with specified origin, size, and spacing.

sketch joint-set create

sketch joint-set domain

sketch mesh

A number of meshing parameters may be specified in the sketch pane to optimize and fine-tune unstructured meshes. These parameters are global and are used for all the sets present in the program.

sketch mesh gradation

sketch mesh list

sketch mesh mode

sketch mesh optimization

sketch mesh quad-weight

sketch mesh reset

sketch mesh shape-quality

sketch mesh target-size

sketch mesh type

sketch path

A path is a 3D polygon which consists of multiple segments. The path is defined how the mesh is extruded in the third direction.

sketch path clear

sketch path continuous

sketch path ends-paralle

sketch path extrude-mode

sketch path translate

sketch point

A point in a sketch set is usually an end point (one of two) used to define an edge. They are distinct from control points, which are interior to the points on an edge and are used to shape the line/curve formed by the edge.

sketch point create

sketch point delete

sketch point group

sketch point id

sketch point list

sketch point merge

sketch point transform

sketch section

A section is a closed polygon which is determined by at least 3 connected edges.

sketch section circle

sketch section polygon

sketch section rectangle

sketch segment

The length and blocking of the extruded dimension in a sketch set for FLAC3D are determined by segments. Zoning in the third dimension is defined along segments, similar to the way that zoning is defined along the edges of blocks.

sketch segment clear

sketch segment create

sketch segment delete

sketch segment group

sketch segment id

sketch segment list

sketch segment ratio

sketch segment ratio-reverse

sketch segment size

sketch segment size-default

sketch segment zone-length

sketch segment zone-length-default

sketch segment-node

A segment-node is a 3D point which is used to define a segment.

sketch segment-node create

sketch segment-node delete

sketch segment-node group

sketch segment-node id

sketch segment-node list

sketch segment-node transform

sketch set

A sketch set comprises blocks that are used to generate zones in FLAC2D or FLAC3D. A model may contain multiple sets. At any time, one set is the currently active set in the program. Operations on the set as a whole (block validation, automatic zoning, set deletion, etc.) are performed with set commands.

sketch set automatic-validate

sketch set automatic-zone

sketch set clean

sketch set clear

sketch set copy

sketch set create

sketch set delete

sketch set list

sketch set metadata

sketch set rename

sketch set select

sketch set system

sketch set update-polygons