- sketch mesh quad-weight f
Specify a weight on quadrilaterals 0 ≤ f ≤ 1 for the unstructured mesher. The default value is 0.75.
This parameter controls the trade-off between a higher ratio of quads and a better mesh with more triangles.
With f = 0, quadrilaterals are never used.
With f = 0.5, quadrilaterals are used only when they improve the quality of the mesh (when a quadrilateral is better than two triangles).
For 0.5 < f < 1, quadrilaterals are increasingly used even if this leads to a lesser global quality of the mesh.
With f = 1, the minimum number of triangles is used to get a valid mesh—poor quality may result.
The default value (0.75) gives a significant preference to the quad/triangle ratio over the mesh quality.
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