zone interface element command


zone interface s element keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

delete    extra    list    maximum-edge

Manage zone interface elements.


All interface elements associated with this interface within the selected range are deleted.

extra i a[zoneinterfaceelementoptions]

sets the extra interface element variable value for array index i. The standard [zoneinterfaceelementoptions] list is available to modify this value in space.

list keyword
extra i

Lists the values of the interface element extra variable for array index i.


Nodes, area and normal vector of all elements in the range are displayed.

maximum-edge f

f is the maximum edge length for interface elements in the range. The interface is subdivided until all of theseelements have an edge length smaller than the assigned value. By default, two triangular elements are created for each quadrilateral zone face.

Keyword Block

The following keywords may be used to modify a supplied value. If the description of the modifier keyword mentions what type of value it may be applied to (e.g. scalar value, vector value, etc.), be sure there is a match between the modifier and the main keyword value. The commands main keywords are: extra.


Add the specified value to the existing value.

gradient v <origin v >

Apply a gradient to the scalar-value provided.


Multiply the existing value by the specified value.

vary v

Apply a linear variation to the scalar-value provided.