Comparison of Plastic-Hardening Model without and with Small-Strain Stiffness
To view this project in FLAC3D, use the menu command . Choose “ConstitutiveModels/ ComparisonSmallStrain PlasticHardening” and select “ComparisonSmallStrain PlasticHardening.f3dprj” to load. The project’s main data files are shown at the end of this example.
This example compares the behavior of the Plastic-Hardening (PH) model
without and with small-strain stiffness during triaxial compression.
Both models comprise a one-zone triaxial compression test with a constant cell pressure of 100 kPa.
Case 1 is the standard PH model without small-strain stiffness,
and Case 2 is the PH model with small-strain stiffness.
The parameters are listed in Table 1.
Basic Parameters: | |
ϕ (degrees) | 30 |
c (kPa) | 0 |
ψ (degrees) | 10 |
Eref50 (kPa) | 3e4 |
Erefur (kPa) | 8e4 |
ν | 0.25 |
m | 0.55 |
pref (kPa) | 100 |
Small-Strain Parameters: | |
Eref0 (kPa) | 3e5 |
γ70 (default) | 2e-4 |
Figure 1 plots deviatoric stress versus axial strain for both cases. Both cases generally have the same backbone loading path. The difference is the unloading and reloading paths. In Case 1, the reloading path is exactly the reverse of the unloading path. However, in Case 2, the unloading and reloading paths are district and the apparent hysteretic loops are observed.
Figure 2 shows the elastic shear moduli for both cases. In Case 1, the elastic shear modulus keep constant with a value of Gur, but in Case 2 the elastic shear modulus decreases from the initial value of G0 to the value of Gur, and then keep the value of value of Gur as expected.
Data Files
model new
model largestrain off
zone create brick size 1 1 1
zone cmodel assign plastic-hardening
zone property stiffness-50-reference=3.0e4 stiffness-ur-reference=8.0e4
zone property pressure-reference=100.0 exponent=0.55 poisson=0.25
zone property coefficient-normally-consolidation=0.40
zone property friction=40.0 dilation=10.0 cohesion=0.0
zone property stress-1-effective=-100.0 stress-2-effective=-100.0 ...
zone property flag-smallstrain=true stiffness-0-reference=30.0e4 ...
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z
zone face apply stress-xx=-100.0 range union position-x 0 position-x 1
zone face apply stress-yy=-100.0 range union position-y 0 position-y 1
zone initialize stress xx -100.0 yy -100.0 zz -100.0
fish define hhhq_
local zp_ = zone.head
local gp_ = gp.find(8)
global hhhq_ = zone.stress.xx(zp_) - zone.stress.zz(zp_)
global hhha_ = -gp.disp.z(gp_)
global G_ = zone.prop(zp_,'shear')
global strain_ =
history interval 2
fish history @hhhq_
fish history @hhha_
fish history @G_
fish history @strain_
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z -2e-7 range position-z 1
model step 50000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z 1e-7 range position-z 1
model step 10000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z -2e-7 range position-z 1
model step 50000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z 1e-7 range position-z 1
model step 10000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z -2e-7 range position-z 1
model step 50000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z 1e-7 range position-z 1
model step 10000
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z -2e-7 range position-z 1
model step 100000
hist export 1 vs 2 table 'phs_qs_100'
table 'phs_qs_100' export 'phs_qs_100' truncate
hist export 3 vs 4 table 'phs_Gs_100'
table 'phs_Gs_100' export 'phs_Gs_100' truncate
model save 'phs_w100'
⇐ Comparison between Mohr-Coulomb Model and Plastic-Hardening model | Isotropic Compression Test with Plastic-Hardening Model ⇒
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