Model State Branch

The “Model State” branch of the Objects panel is a tree-form representation of the contents of the current model state, with information (usually either number or max/min values) also indicated.

The branch is representation of the model state; it is important to note that the model state cannot be modified or otherwise altered from the tree.

That said, there are two significant actions that may be performed using the tree: plotting and listing. In addition, items from this branch may be added to the “Watch” branch.

The branch only indicates those items that exist in the current model state; it does not list un-created elements within the model, therefore absence of a model object from this branch indicates that object is not part of the current model state.

Drag-and-Drop Plotting


In all cases, the mouse cursor cues drop outcomes.


item may be dropped at cursor location


item cannot be dropped at cursor location

Also observe the target location of a viable drop operation will be highlighted this color hl (approximately—the highlight appearance will vary depending on the background of the highlighted window). No highlight appears if the the current cursor location is not a viable drop target.

Terminal nodes[1] of the “Model State” branch are plotted by dragging-and-dropping them to an existing plot window in the workspace.

When this is done, the dropped tree-item is added to the list of plot items in the target plot, and it is rendered with a default set of plot item attributes. The plot item rendering is alterable via the plot item attributes as normal for any plot item.

Many, but not all items from the branch may be plotted this way. See adjacent tip for information.

Drag-and-Drop Listing

Terminal nodes of the “Model State” branch may be listed by dragging-and-dropping them onto the Console tab in the Commands area. The Console must be the current tab in the Commands area and the item must be dropped into the console window (i.e., not on its tab).

When this is done, the dropped tree-item is listed in the console. Generally, the listing is a list information-style command for that object type. However, the exact listing varies from object to object. The command issued to make this listing occur appears in the console output.

Right-Click Setting Watches

All terminal nodes of the “Model State” branch provide one right-click menu option: Add to Watch. Using this action will add the clicked item to the “Watch” branch of the Objects tree. These are removed from the “Watch” branch by right-clicking on them there and selecting “Clear Watch” from the menu.
