Itasca C++ Interface
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Classes | Typedefs
3DEC interface specification


class  block::IBeamArray
 This interface provides access to beam thing array. More...
class  block::IBeamContact
 This interface provides access to beam contact data. More...
class  block::IBFaceArray
 Container to store FaceThings (original block faces) ID of FaceThing is stored in offset $KFCPP in Fortran block linked list. More...
class  block::IBlockArray
 Container to store blockThings. ID of BlockThing is stored in offset $KBID in Fortran block linked list. More...
class  block::IBlockThing
 This is the interface for BlockThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KBID in the fortran block linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::ICableArray
 This interface provides access to cable thing array. More...
class  block::IConfigure
 This interface provides linked list offsets to access to configuration settings. More...
class  block::IContactArray
 This interface provides access to contact thing array. More...
class  block::IDowelArray
 This interface provides access to dowel thing array. More...
class  block::IFaceArray
 Container to store FaceThings (zoned or triangulated block faces). ID of FaceThing is stored in offset $KFCPP in Fortran block linked list. More...
class  block::IFaceBlockArray
 Container to store blockThings that are face blocks. ID of BlockThing is stored in offset $KBID in Fortran block linked list. More...
class  block::IFaceData
 This class maintains a list of scalar data .
getNames() returns the names of the data available through this interface.
Which data is being accessed is specified by setIndex().
This class is used in contour plotting and profiling, as a generic way to get the same list of gp data to use for various purposes. More...
class  block::IFaceThing
 This is the interface for FaceThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KFCPP in the fortran block linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IFEFaceArray
 This interface provides access to beam thing array. More...
class  block::IFEFaceThing
 This is the interface for FEFaceThing, a C++ wrapper for finite element faces. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $kfefcpp in the fortran block linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IFElementArray
 This interface provides access to beam thing array. More...
class  block::IFElementThing
 This is the interface for FElementThing, a C++ wrapper for finite elements. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $kfeid in the fortran block linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IFlowKnotArray
 Container to store FlowKnotThings. More...
class  block::IFlowKnotThing
 This is the interface for FlowKnotThing, a C++ wrapper for a flow knot This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KNOTCPP in the fortran flow knot linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IFlowPlaneArray
 Container to store FlowPlaneThings. More...
class  block::IFlowPlaneVertexArray
 Container to store IFlowPlaneVertexThings. More...
class  block::IFlowPlaneVertexThing
 This is the interface for FlowPlaneVertexThing, a C++ wrapper for a flow plane vertex This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KEXTCPP in the fortran flow plane vertex linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IFlowZoneArray
 Container to store IFlowZoneThings. More...
class  block::IGpData
 This class maintains a list of scalar data (x-position, density, velocity magnitude, etc).
getNames() returns the names of the data available through this interface.
Which data is being accessed is specified by setIndex().
This class is used in contour plotting and profiling, as a generic way to get the same list of gp data to use for various purposes. More...
class  block::IJointFaceArray
 This interface provides access to jointthing array. More...
class  block::ILinerArray
 This interface provides access to liner thing array. More...
class  block::IRangeElementOrientation
 This interface provides access to orientation filters. More...
class  block::IRangeElementTwoInt
 IRangeElement for RangeElementMaterialIntersection. More...
class  block::IReinforcementArray
 This interface provides access to reinforcement thing array. More...
class  block::ISELNodeArray
 Container to store SELNodeThings. ID of SELNodeThing is stored in id offset of Fortran linked list (42 for beams and cables, 21 for liner nodes) More...
class  block::ISELNodeThing
 This is the interface for SELNodeThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in the corresponding offset $xxCPP in the appropriate fortran array This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::ISubcontactArray
 Container to store SubcontactThings. ID of SubcontactThing is stored in offset $KCXCPP in Fortran subcontac linked list. More...
class  block::ISubcontactThing
 This is the interface for SubcontactThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KCXCPP in the fortran subcontact linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables There is also two-way accessibility with the corresponding fortran data block. More...
class  block::IType3DEC
class  block::IVertexArray
 Container to store VertexThings. ID of VertexThing is stored in offset $KVCPP in Fortran vertex linked list. More...
class  block::IVertexThing
 This is the interface for VertexThing. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KGCPP in the fortran vertex linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...
class  block::IWater
 This interface provides access to functions used to define a water surface. More...
class  block::IZoneArray
 Container to store ZoneThings. ID of BlockThing is stored in offset $KZCPP in Fortran zone linked list. More...
class  block::IZoneData
 Access to zone scalar data in a generic way. This class maintains a list of scalar data (sxx, density, porosity, etc).
getNames() returns the names of the data available through this interface.
Which data is being accessed is specified by setIndex().
This class is used in contour plotting and profiling, as a generic way to get the same list of zone data to use for various purposes. More...
class  block::IZoneFieldData
 Interface for accessing the zone field data class. This class allows access to both gp and zone scalar field data (like density, displacement magnitude, sxx, etc) at any point in the model, not necessarily where a gridpoint or a zone centroid fall.
Interpolation may be necessary for zone-based variables, and the specifics of that process can be set through the IZoneInterpolate interface. More...
class  block::IZoneInterpolate
 Interface for accessing the zone interpolation class. More...
class  block::IZoneThing
 This is the interface for ZoneThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KZCPP in the fortran zone linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use CellSpace. More...


typedef int32 FInt
 Interface to provide access to 3DEC modules, global data, list of 3DEC entities, etc.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ FInt

typedef int32 FInt

Interface to provide access to 3DEC modules, global data, list of 3DEC entities, etc.

Fortran single precision integer