Itasca C++ Interface
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block::IVertexThing Class Referenceabstract

This is the interface for VertexThing. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KGCPP in the fortran vertex linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables. More...

#include <ivertexthing.h>

Public Types

enum  { BoundFree =0 , BoundLoad , BoundViscous , BoundVelocity }
 Enum of possible mechanical boundary conditions for a vertex.

Public Member Functions

virtual const itasca::IThinggetIThing () const =0
 Returns a const IThing pointer.
virtual itasca::IThinggetIThing ()=0
 Returns a IThing pointer.
virtual FInt getFortranOffset () const =0
 Return vertex fortran offset.
virtual quint64 getVertexID () const =0
 Return Thing ID.
virtual FInt getThreedecID () const =0
 Return vertex 3DEC id used for structural elements (not the same as Thing ID)
virtual bool getBit (int bit) const =0
virtual void setBit (int bit, bool b) const =0
virtual QVariant getValue (int index) const =0
virtual void setValue (int index, const QVariant &v) const =0
 Note - this is const through some hack so that we can use const VertexThings when getting data.
virtual DVect3 getLocation () const =0
 Returns gridpoint position.
virtual double getPP () const =0
 Returns gridpoint pore pressure.
virtual void setPP (double pp)=0
 set the gridpoint pore pressure
virtual double getTemperature () const =0
 Returns gridpoint temperature. Returns 0 if not configured for thermal.
virtual void setTemperature (double temp, bool dtemp=false)=0
 Sets gridpoint temperature. Does nothing if not configured for thermal.
virtual bool getTemperatureFixed () const =0
 Returns true if temperature is fixed. Returns 0 if not configured for thermal.
virtual void iniTemperatureAnalytical (double temp)=0
 Initialize gridpoint temperatures for analytical thermal solution.
virtual DVect3 getDisplacement () const =0
 Returns gridpoint displacement.
virtual void setDisplacement (const DVect3 &dv)=0
 Set the gridpoint displacement.
virtual DVect3 getSmallDisplacement () const =0
 Returns gridpoint small strain displacement.
virtual DVect3 getVelocity () const =0
 Returns gridpoint velocity.
virtual void setVelocity (const DVect3 &dv)=0
 Set the gridpoint velocity.
virtual DVect3 getAcceleration () const =0
 Returns gridpoint acceleration. Returns 0,0,0 if not configured for dynamic.
virtual DVect3 getForce () const =0
 Returns gridpoint unbalanced (??) force.
virtual void addForce (const DVect &df)=0
 Add input vector to current gridpoijnt force.
virtual double getSpare () const =0
 Returns contents of gridpoint spare offset.
virtual FInt getBlock () const =0
 return fortran offset of host block
virtual IBlockThinggetBlockThing () const =0
 return host BlockThing
virtual quint64 getBlockThingID () const =0
 return host BlockThing ID
virtual SymTensor getHoStress (bool bEffective) const =0
 return gridpoint stress for high-order zones
virtual bool getHidden () const =0
 Returns true if vertex or host block is hidden (TODO - check host zone)
virtual DVect3 getAppliedLoad () const =0
 Returns the load (force) applied to the vertex.
virtual void setAppliedLoad (const DVect3 &dv)=0
virtual DVect3 getAppliedLoadInc () const =0
virtual void setAppliedLoadInc (const DVect3 &dv)=0
 Set the applied load increment on the vertex.
virtual DVect3 getReactionForce () const =0
 Returns the reaction force at the vertex.
virtual DVect3 getAppliedVelocity () const =0
 Returns the velocity applied to the vertex.
virtual void setAppliedVelocity (const DVect3 &dv)=0
virtual void setAppliedVelocity (double value, uint component)=0
virtual IVect3 getBCType () const =0
 Return the type of boundary condition for this vertex in each direction Components of the vector correspond to BCs as given in the enum associated with this class Note that normal velocity is a special case. Use GetBCNormal.
virtual void setBCType (const IVect3 &iv)=0
virtual bool getBCNormal () const =0
 Return true if a normal velocity boundary condition is present.
virtual bool isExcavated () const =0
 Returns true if host block is marked as excavated.
virtual bool isRemoved () const =0
 Returns true if host block is removed.
virtual FArray< const IFaceThing * > getFaces (bool rigid) const =0
virtual bool isValid () const =0
 Return true if VertexThing and Fortran vertex are in sync.
virtual IFlowKnotThinggetFlowKnot () const =0
 Return Flow Knot associated with this vertex. Returns null if none.
virtual double getAppliedThermalFlux () const =0
 Return applied thermal flux.
virtual double getThermalFlux () const =0
 Return thermal flux.
virtual double getThermalMass () const =0
 Return thermal mass.
virtual DVect3 getDeformedPosition (bool active, double factor) const =0
 Return the position of the gridpoint with deformation exaggerated by factor if active is true.
virtual double getDynamicMass () const =0
 Return dynamic mass.
virtual double getTotalForce () const =0
 Return total force magnitude.
virtual IBlockThinggetFaceBlockThing () const =0
 return face block thing. Returns nullptr if not on a faceblock
virtual double getStiffness () const =0
 Return gridpoint stiffness.
virtual void setStiffness (double value)=0
 Set gridpoint stiffness.
virtual double getMass () const =0
 Return face block thing. Returns nullptr if not on a faceblock.
virtual void setMass (double value)=0
 Set vertex mass.
virtual double getDensityScalingFactor () const =0
 Return density scaling factor.
virtual void setDensityScalingFactor (double value)=0
 Set density scaling factor.
virtual double getDTemperature () const =0
 Returns temperature change at gridpoint. Returns 0 if not configured for thermal.
virtual void addToSelStiffness (double ss)=0
virtual void addToSelMass (double sm)=0
virtual double getForceRatio () const =0
 Return current local force ratio.
virtual void setForceRatioTarget (double d)=0
 Set force ratio target.
virtual double getForceRatioTarget () const =0
 Return force ratio target.
virtual double getConvergence () const =0
 Return convergence ratio (0-1)

Static Public Attributes

static const FInt cpp = 39
 offset for index to VertexThing ID
static const TType type_ = 0x4ed7cfbd
 type used in IThing typing system

Detailed Description

This is the interface for VertexThing. This will be stored in a container and the ID will be stored in offset $KGCPP in the fortran vertex linked list. This inherits from Thing so we can use groups and extra variables.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addToSelMass()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::addToSelMass ( double sm)
pure virtual

Add value to vertex mass.
This is separate mass storage used by FLAC3D structural elements

◆ addToSelStiffness()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::addToSelStiffness ( double ss)
pure virtual

Add value to vertex stiffness.
This is separate stiffness storage used by FLAC3D structural elements

◆ getAppliedLoadInc()

virtual DVect3 block::IVertexThing::getAppliedLoadInc ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the load (force) increment applied to the vertex This also automatically sets the BCType to BoundLoad if the force > 0 ??

◆ getBit()

virtual bool block::IVertexThing::getBit ( int bit) const
pure virtual

Returns the boolean stored in utility bit bit in the zone.

◆ getFaces()

virtual FArray< const IFaceThing * > block::IVertexThing::getFaces ( bool rigid) const
pure virtual

Returns list of faces. Input true to get original faces or false to get triangulated faces WARNING - this is slow since vertices don't store their faces, so a search is required

◆ getValue()

virtual QVariant block::IVertexThing::getValue ( int index) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value stored in the utility array at index.

◆ setAppliedLoad()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setAppliedLoad ( const DVect3 & dv)
pure virtual

Set the applied load on the vertex. This also automatically sets the BCType to BoundLoad if the force > 0

◆ setAppliedVelocity() [1/2]

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setAppliedVelocity ( const DVect3 & dv)
pure virtual

Set the applied velocity on the vertex This also automatically sets the BCType to BoundVelocity for ALL COMPONENTS

◆ setAppliedVelocity() [2/2]

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setAppliedVelocity ( double value,
uint component )
pure virtual

Set the input component of applied velocity on the vertex (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) This also automatically sets the BCType to BoundVelocity for the input component

◆ setBCType()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setBCType ( const IVect3 & iv)
pure virtual

set the boundary condition type. Components of the vector correspond to BCs as given in the enum associated with this class

◆ setBit()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setBit ( int bit,
bool b ) const
pure virtual

Sets the boolean stored in utility bit bit in the zone. This function is const, to indicate that setting bit values does not impact the calculation logic in any way.

  • bit must be a bit index previouly returned from IVertexArray::claimBit(). Note - this is const through some hack so that we can use const VertexThings when getting data

◆ setValue()

virtual void block::IVertexThing::setValue ( int index,
const QVariant & v ) const
pure virtual

Note - this is const through some hack so that we can use const VertexThings when getting data.

Sets the value stored in the utility array at index. This is const to indicate that these bit values do not modify the model in any way.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: