Itasca C++ Interface
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Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Module interface specification.


class  Vector< T >
 A Vector2 in 2D, a Vector3 in 3D. More...
class  AVector< T >
 An AVector2 in 2D, an AVector3 in 3D. More...
class  Extent< T >
 A Extent2<T> in 2D, and a Extent3<T> in 2D. More...
class  itascaxd::IBody
class  itascaxd::ICellSpace
 Interface to a "refining" cell space. More...
class  itascaxd::IContact
 Contact class. More...
class  itascaxd::IContactMechanical
 ContactMechanical class. More...
class  itascaxd::IContactThermal
 ContactThermal class. More...
class  itascaxd::IContainerContact
 Contact container class. More...
class  itasca::IEnergyMap
 Interface to EnergyMap class. More...
class  itascaxd::IExtension
 Interface class for acessing extension stored in the base class of other things. More...
class  itascaxd::IGeneralPlot
 This class allows user to draw basic geometric plots using FISH functions. More...
class  itascaxd::IGlobals
 Interface to modele global settings. More...
class  itascaxd::IHistory
 Interface to a particular history being taken by the history logic. More...
class  itascaxd::IHistoryList
 Interface to the list of all IHistories being taken by the history logic. More...
class  itasca::IIdent
 Central class for information identifying the particular program using the kernel library. More...
class  itasca::INoticeManager
 Interface to the notification system. More...
class  itasca::IParentToChildContainer
 Provides a class to use as the parent to a child container, or the main container of all of the children. More...
class  itasca::IParse
 Interface to the main command processing class. More...
class  itascaxd::IParticleTrace
 Interface to a particular particle trace being taken by the particle trace logic. More...
class  itascaxd::IParticleTraceList
 Interface to the list of all IParticleTraces being taken by the particle trace logic. More...
class  itascaxd::IPiece
class  itascaxd::IPlane
 Interface for the definition of a Plane in 3D space. More...
class  itasca::IRandom
 Interface to the random number generator. More...
class  itascaxd::IRange
 Interface to a filter, used as the main method for filtering objects. More...
class  itascaxd::IRangeElementGroup
 Interface to a group filter element, used to filter objects by group assignment. More...
class  itascaxd::IRangeList
 Interface to the global list of all named filters. More...
class  itasca::ISettings
 Interface for accessing kernel settings. More...
class  itascaxd::ISolveData
 Interface for accessing solve command limits. More...
class  itascaxd::ISphere
 Interface for the definition of a Sphere. More...
class  itasca::ITable
 Interface to a particular table of values. More...
class  itasca::ITableList
 Interface to the global list of all tables. More...


#define THREED
 Only defined if a 3D compile, TWOD is defined for a 2D compile.
#define DIMSTR   "3d"
 Expands to "2d" in 2D, "3d" in 3D.
#define CDIMSTR   "3D"
 Expands to "2D" in 2D, "3D" in 3D.
#define itascaxd   itasca3d
 Expands to itasca2d in 2D, itasca3d in 3D, for use as a namespace name....
#define DIMRET(x, y)   y
 Macro will disregard parameter x.


using DVect = DVect3
 Vector of doubles, either 2D or 3D.
using FVect = FVect3
 Vector of floats, either 2D or 3D.
using IVect = IVect3
 Vector of ints, either 2D or 3D.
using I64Vect = I64Vect3
using UVect = UVect3
 Vector of uints, either 2D or 3D.
using U64Vect = U64Vect3
using DExtent = DExtent3
 A DExtent2 in 2D, a DExtent3 in 3D.
using IExtent = IExtent3
 An IExtent2 in 2D, an IExtent3 in 3D.
using DAVect = DAVect3
 Angular vector of doubles, either 2D or 3D.
using FAVect = FAVect3
 Angular vector of floats, either 2D or 3D.
using Axes = Axes3D
 Axes system, either 2D or 3D.
using CAxes = CAxes3D
 Compact axis system, either 2D or 3D.
using Orientation = Orientation3
 Class for storing an "orientation", or a direction in space, either 2D or 3D.
using Quat = Quat3
 A complex number in 2D and quaternion in 3D.
using VAccum = itasca::Accumulator3
 3D vector accumulator
using AVAccum = itasca::Accumulator3
 3D angular accumulator


DMatrix< 3, 3 > toMatrixDIM (const SymTensor &s)
template<class T >
Vector3< T > toVect (const Vector2< T > &in)
 Converts a Vector2 to a Vector.
template<class T >
const Vector3< T > & toVect (const Vector3< T > &in)
 Converts a Vector3 to a Vector.
template<class T >
Vector3< T > toVect (const AVector2< T > &in)
 Converts an AVector2 to Angular Vector2 to a Vector.
template<class T >
AVector3< T > toAVect (const AVector2< T > &in)
 Converts an AVector2 to an AVector.
template<class T >
const AVector3< T > & toAVect (const AVector3< T > &in)
 Converts an AVector3 to an AVector.
template<class T >
AVector3< T > toAVect (const Vector2< T > &in)
 Converts an Vector2 to an AVector3.
template<class T >
AVector3< T > toAVect (const Vector3< T > &in)
 Converts an AVector3 to an AVector.
template<class T >
Extent< T > toExtent (const Extent2< T > &t)
 Converts Extent2 to an Extent.
template<class T >
Extent< T > toExtent (const Extent3< T > &t)
 Converts a Extent3 to an Extent.
template<class T >
IVect toIVect (const Vector3< T > &in)
 Converts a Vector3<T> to an IVect.
template<class T >
FVect toFVect (const Vector3< T > &in)
 Converts a Vector3<T> to a FVect.
template<class T >
DVect toDVect (const Vector3< T > &in)
template<class T , unsigned SX>
Vector3< T > toVector (const VMatrix< T, SX > &m, unsigned start)
 Converts a VMatrix to a Vector3, using three elements starting at index start.
constexpr DMatrix< 3, 3 > toMatrix (const SymTensor &s)
DSymMatrix< 3 > toSymMatrix (const SymTensor &s)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr const U & dimval (const T &, const U &val3)
 Returns the first argument in a 2D compile, and the second in a 3D compile.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ toDVect()

template<class T >
DVect toDVect ( const Vector3< T > & in)

Converts a Vector3<T> to a DVect.