sketch fracture create command


sketch fracture create keyword ...

Primary keywords:

dfn    group    keep-domain    minimum-length

Generate a collection of edges representing a statistical distribution of fractures within user-specified domain from a provided Discrete Fracture Network (DFN). Please refer to DFN overview for the DFN logic and commands.

Typical process to create edges representing fractures is as follows: (1) specify domain using sketch fracture domain command; (2) use DFN logic and commands to generate a statistical distribution of fractures; (3) create a collection of edges from the DFN using commands provided below; (4) delete DFN, if it is no longer needed.

dfn s

Create edges from the DFN with name s.

group s1 <slot s2 >

Assign group name s1 in slot s2 (if supplied) to the edges representing fractures. If slot keyword is omitted, slot Default is used.

keep-domain b

If b = True, the domain is preserved. By the default, the domain is deleted each time after creating fractures in a Sketch set.

minimum-length f

Fractures (edges) shorter than this length will not be created. By the default, minimum-length is set to 0.1.