virtual TType | getFracNetworkType () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork TType.
virtual TType | getInterSetType () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork TType.
virtual TType | getFractureType () const =0 |
| Return the Fracture TType.
virtual TType | getVertexDFNType () const =0 |
| Return the VertexDFN TType.
virtual TType | getIntersectType () const =0 |
| Return the Intersection TType.
virtual TType | getContactType () const =0 |
| Return the Contact TType.
virtual uint32 | getFracNetworkGeometryNotice () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork geometry notice.
virtual uint32 | getInterSetGeometryNotice () const =0 |
| Return the InterSet geometry notice.
virtual uint32 | getFracNetworkIntersectNotice () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork geometry notice.
virtual uint32 | getFracNetworkPropertyNotice () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork property notice.
virtual uint32 | getFracNetworkExtraNotice () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork extra notice.
virtual uint32 | getFracNetworkGroupNotice () const =0 |
| Return the FracNetwork group notice.
virtual uint32 | getInterSetExtraNotice () const =0 |
| Return the InterSet extra notice.
virtual uint32 | getInterSetGroupNotice () const =0 |
| Return the InterSet group notice.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerFracNetwork () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the FracNetworks.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerFracNetwork ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the FracNetworks.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerIntersectionSet () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the IntersectionSets.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerIntersectionSet ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the IntersectionSets.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerCluster () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the dfncluster.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerCluster ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the IntersectionSets.
virtual QStringList | findAllFracNetworks () const =0 |
| Return the list of the names of all FracNetworks.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerFracture () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the Fracture.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerFracture ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the Fracture.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerTemplate () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the templates.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerTemplate ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the templates.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerVertexDFN ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the VertexDFNs.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerVertexDFN () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the VertexDFNs.
virtual IContainer * | getIContainerIntersects ()=0 |
| Return the IContainer of the Intersects.
virtual const IContainer * | getIContainerIntersects () const =0 |
| Return the const IContainer of the Intersects.
virtual const ICellSpace * | getFractureCellSpace () const =0 |
| Return a const ICellSpace pointer to the FracNetwork cell space.
virtual ICellSpace * | getFractureCellSpace ()=0 |
| Return an ICellSpace pointer to the FracNetwork cell space.
virtual const IFracNetwork * | findFracNetworkWithID (uint64 id) const =0 |
| Find the const IFracNetwork with ID id;.
virtual IFracNetwork * | findFracNetworkWithID (uint64 id)=0 |
| Find the IFracNetwork with ID id.
virtual const IFracNetwork * | findFracNetworkWithName (const QString &name) const =0 |
| Find the const IFracNetwork with name name.
virtual IFracNetwork * | findFracNetworkWithName (const QString &name)=0 |
| Find the IFracNetwork with name name.
virtual const IFracture * | findFractureWithID (uint64 id, IFracNetwork *fn=0) const =0 |
| Find the const IFracture with ID id;.
virtual IFracture * | findFractureWithID (uint64 id, IFracNetwork *fn=0)=0 |
| Find the IFracture with ID id.
virtual const IVertexDFN * | findVertexWithID (uint64 id) const =0 |
| Find the const IVertexDFN with ID id;.
virtual IVertexDFN * | findVertexWithID (uint64 id)=0 |
| Find the IVertexDFN with ID id.
virtual const IIntersect * | findIntersectWithID (uint64 id, IFracNetwork *fn=0) const =0 |
| Find the const IIntersect with ID id;.
virtual IIntersect * | findIntersectWithID (uint64 id, IFracNetwork *fn=0)=0 |
| Find the IIntersect with ID id.
virtual const IIntersectionSet * | findInterSetWithID (uint64 id) const =0 |
| Find the const IIntersectionSet with ID id;.
virtual IIntersectionSet * | findInterSetWithID (uint64 id)=0 |
| Find the IIntersect with ID id.
virtual const IDFNCluster * | findClusterWithID (uint64 id) const =0 |
| Find the const DFNCLuster with ID id;.
virtual IDFNCluster * | findClusterWithID (uint64 id)=0 |
| Find the DFNCluster with ID id.
virtual const IDFNCluster * | findClusterWithName (const QString &name) const =0 |
| Find the const DFNCLuster with name id;.
virtual IDFNCluster * | findClusterWithName (const QString &name)=0 |
| Find the DFNCluster with ID id.
virtual const IDFNTemplate * | getTemplateOfDFN (IFracNetwork *fn=0) const =0 |
| find the const template associated to the dfn
virtual IDFNTemplate * | getTemplateOfDFN (IFracNetwork *fn=0)=0 |
| find the template associated to the dfn
virtual const IDFNTemplate * | findTemplateWithID (uint64 id) const =0 |
| find the const Template with the given id
virtual IDFNTemplate * | findTemplateWithID (uint64 id)=0 |
| find the Template with the given id
virtual const IDFNTemplate * | findTemplateWithName (const QString &name) const =0 |
| find the const Template with the given name
virtual IDFNTemplate * | findTemplateWithName (const QString &name)=0 |
| find the Template with the given id
virtual const IFracture * | findFractureClosestTo (const DVect &v, const double &radius=limits< double >::max()) const =0 |
| Find the const FracNetwork closest to v.
virtual IFracture * | findFractureClosestTo (const DVect &v, const double &radius=limits< double >::max())=0 |
| Find the FracNetwork closest to v.
virtual const IFracture * | findAnyFractureClosestTo (const DVect &v, const double &radius=limits< double >::max(), const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Find the const Fracture closest to v.
virtual IFracture * | findAnyFractureClosestTo (const DVect &v, const double &radius=limits< double >::max(), const IRange *r=0)=0 |
| Find the Fracture closest to v.
virtual IFracture * | findLDFractureClosestTo (const DVect &v, IFracNetwork *fn=0, const double &radius=limits< double >::max())=0 |
| Find the const Fracture closest to v with lowest dominance.
virtual IFracture * | findLDFractureInBox (const DExtent &d, IFracNetwork *fn=0)=0 |
| Find the Fracture with lowest dominance that intersects the box d. Can filter by the optional fracture network fn.
virtual IFracture * | findLDFractureIntSeg (const DVect &d1, const DVect &d2, IFracNetwork *fn=0)=0 |
| Find the fracture with lowest dominance that intersects a line segment. Can filter by the optional fracture network fn.
virtual void | eraseIFracNetwork (IFracNetwork *w)=0 |
| Find the fracture with lowest dominance that intersects a general polygon. Can filter by the optional fracture network fn.
virtual void | eraseIInterSet (IIntersectionSet *is)=0 |
| Erase the IIntersectionSet - could be of any type.
virtual void | eraseICluster (IDFNCluster *is)=0 |
| Erase the IDFNCluster - could be of any type.
virtual IFracNetwork * | createIFracNetwork (uint32 id=0, const QString &name=QString())=0 |
| Create an empty IFracNetwork.
virtual IFracNetwork * | getFirstIFracNetwork () const =0 |
| Get the first fracture network.
virtual void | validate ()=0 |
| Validate the fracture cell space if there is no cell space.
virtual void | removeFracture (IFracture *frac)=0 |
| Remove the fracture.
virtual void | removeIntersectsWithFracture (IFracture *frac)=0 |
| Remove all the intersections with this fracture.
virtual void | delineateIntersectionsDirty (IFracture *frac)=0 |
| Delineate all of the intersections with this fracture.
virtual void | getIntersectList (FArray< IIntersect * > *ret, IFracNetwork *fn=0, IFracture *frac=0)=0 |
| Get the intersection list.
virtual void | getIntersectList (FArray< const IIntersect * > *ret, IFracNetwork *fn=0, IFracture *frac=0) const =0 |
| Get the intersection list.
virtual IDFNCluster * | createIDFNCLuster (uint64 &id, QString &name)=0 |
| Create an empty cluster.
virtual void | getFractureOfClusterList (FArray< IFracture * > *ret, IDFNCluster *cl=0, uint64 ind=0) const =0 |
virtual void | getPathClusterList (FArray< IFracture * > *ret, IDFNCluster *cl=0, IFracture *f1=0, IFracture *f2=0) const =0 |
| returns the path between two fractures
virtual int | getLargestCluster (IDFNCluster *cl=0) const =0 |
virtual int | getMaxIndCluster (IDFNCluster *cl=0) const =0 |
virtual void | getFractureInBoxList (const DExtent &d, FArray< IFracture * > *ret, const IRange *r=0, bool intersect=true)=0 |
| Get the list of fractures within a box.
virtual void | getFractureInBoxList (const DExtent &d, FArray< const IFracture * > *ret, const IRange *r=0, bool intersect=true)=0 |
| Get the list of fractures within a box.
virtual double | calcP10 (const DVect &, const DVect &, const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Calculate the p10 - works in 2D and 3D. This calculates the P10 for all fractures regardless of the fracture network.
virtual double | calcP10Geom (const IGeomSet *, const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Calculate the p10 using a geometry set.
virtual double | calcP20 (const DExtent &, const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Calculate the p21 for all factures regardless of the fracture network.
virtual double | calcP21 (const DExtent &, const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Calculate the p21 for all factures regardless of the fracture network.
virtual double | calcPerc (const DExtent &, const IRange *r=0) const =0 |
| Calculate the p20 for all factures regardless of the fracture network.
virtual void | populateAttributeSets (QStringList *scalarAtts, QStringList *stringAtts, QStringList *vectorAtts) const =0 |
| Populates sets of property names based on their type.
virtual void | populateAttributeInterSets (QStringList *scalarAtts, QStringList *stringAtts, QStringList *vectorAtts) const =0 |
| Populates sets of attribute for intersection sets.
virtual void | populatePropertySets (QStringList *scalarProps, QStringList *stringProps, QStringList *vectorProps) const =0 |
| Populates sets of property names based on their type.
virtual prop_signal * | getPropertySignal () const =0 |
| Return the signal associated with the addition of a new property.