Itasca C++ Interface
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itascaxd Namespace Reference

Itasca Library standard namespace, specific to 2D or 3D. More...


struct  CLinkType
 same as LynkType, but with a constant pointer object More...
class  IAllContactContainer
class  IBody
class  IBodyContainer
class  IBodyFluid
class  IBodyMechanical
class  IBodyMechanicalContainer
class  IBodyThermal
class  ICellSpace
 Interface to a "refining" cell space. More...
class  ICommandModule
class  IContact
 Contact class. More...
class  IContactFluid
class  IContactMechanical
 ContactMechanical class. More...
class  IContactModelList
class  IContactModule
class  IContactThermal
 ContactThermal class. More...
class  IContainerActiveContact
class  IContainerAllActiveContact
class  IContainerContact
 Contact container class. More...
class  IData
class  IDomain
class  IExtension
 Interface class for acessing extension stored in the base class of other things. More...
class  IFactorOfSafety
class  IFetchProperty
class  IFishCallList
class  IFishPlot
 This interface exposes a plot data interface (IGeneralPlot) to FISH. More...
class  IFragment
class  IFragmentLogic
class  IFragmentModule
class  IGeneralPlot
 This class allows user to draw basic geometric plots using FISH functions. More...
class  IGeomEdge
 Interface for a user-defined geometric edge, defined as the line between two IGeomPoint objects. More...
class  IGeometry
 Interface for the global list of all geomtric data sets IGeomSet. More...
class  IGeomPoint
 Interface for a user-defined geometric point. More...
class  IGeomPoly
 A class representing a single closed polygon made up of a list of edges. More...
class  IGeomSet
 A container for a single "set" of geometric elements. A geometric set is a named collection of geometry elements (points, edges, polygons) as an organization layer. More...
class  IGlobals
 Interface to modele global settings. More...
class  IHalfEdge
 Interface for an edge used in the faceted wall logic. This is the interface for an edge used in the faceted wall logic. An edge is a line segment that starts at the vertex returned by getOrigin() and terminates at the vertex returned by getEnd(). More...
class  IHalfFacet
 Interface for a facet used in the faceted wall logic. This is the interface for a triangular facet as used in the faceted wall logic. A facet consists of three vertices and three edges and the next facet in the local list (for a single faceted wall) can be obtained via the getNextIHalfFacet() method. The centroid is taken to be the average location of the facet vertices. Facets, at some level, are used as Pieces and/or PieceMechanical objects and, as such, must return a pointer. More...
class  IHalfVertex
 Interface for a vertex used in the faceted wall logic. This is the interface for a vertex used in the faceted wall logic. A vertex is simply a point in space that can have a linear velocity. When a vertex has a linear velocity then the associated wall translational and angular velocities are set to 0. The user is responsible for ensuring that the wall remains orientable and manifold if the positions or velocities are set through this interface. More...
class  IHistory
 Interface to a particular history being taken by the history logic. More...
class  IHistoryList
 Interface to the list of all IHistories being taken by the history logic. More...
class  IInputItem
class  IKernelBase
class  ILabel
 Interface to a single label. More...
class  ILabelList
 Interface to the list of all labels in the system. More...
class  IMaxwellDamp
 Interface to maxwell damping. More...
class  IParticleTrace
 Interface to a particular particle trace being taken by the particle trace logic. More...
class  IParticleTraceList
 Interface to the list of all IParticleTraces being taken by the particle trace logic. More...
class  IPiece
class  IPieceContainer
class  IPieceExtension
class  IPieceFluid
class  IPieceMechanical
class  IPieceMechanicalData
class  IPieceThermal
class  IPlane
 Interface for the definition of a Plane in 3D space. More...
class  IProcess
class  IProcessList
class  IRange
 Interface to a filter, used as the main method for filtering objects. More...
class  IRangeElement
 Interface to a filter element, which is a member of a IRange.. More...
class  IRangeElementContact
 Interface to a RangeElement of contacts specifying activity, type, model name, etc. More...
class  IRangeElementExtra
 This part of a filter element interface describes which extra index is being referred to. More...
class  IRangeElementFish
 Interface for providing an IRangeElement extension for a RangElementFish. More...
class  IRangeElementGeometryDistance
 Interface to a RangeElement of a geometry set, where you want objects within a certain distance to this geometry set. More...
class  IRangeElementGeometrySpace
 Interface to a RangeElement of a geometry set, where you want objects withion a certain space to this geometry sets (space ranger). More...
class  IRangeElementGroup
 Interface to a group filter element, used to filter objects by group assignment. More...
class  IRangeElementIdentifierList
 Interface to to a Range Element that matches string to a list of stored strings. More...
class  IRangeElementName
 Interface to a RangeElement exposing the IThing getName method. More...
class  IRangeElementNamed
 Interface to a Range Element that is actually a named filter. More...
class  IRangeElementNameList
 Interface to to a Range Element that matches string to a list of stored strings. More...
class  IRangeElementOrientation
class  IRangeElementPlane
 Interface to a RangeElement of a plane in space, where you want objects above, below, or within a certain distance of the filter. More...
class  IRangeElementPolygonBased
 Interface for accessing informations in the three drawable "interactive" filter elements in kernel/src/rangeelementinteractive.h (polygon,rectangle,ellipse) More...
class  IRangeElementPosition
 A filter element specified as a geometric region inside a capped cylinder, defined by a segment [begin-end] of radius Rad2. More...
class  IRangeElementReal
 Base for a filter that can be represented by a real number filter. More...
class  IRangeElementRegistry
 Interface to a access the list of filter elements types registered with the engine. More...
class  IRangeElementSet
 Interface to a RangeElement of a general set. A IThing has getIsSet and getSet methods to return the appropriate information. More...
class  IRangeElementSphere
 A filter element described as a sphere in space. More...
class  IRangeElementSurface
 Interface to a filter element that allows user to filter based on connection to a "surface" of the zones. More...
class  IRangeElementUIntPtr
 Interface to to a Range Element that selects integers between two values. More...
class  IRangeElementUIntPtrList
 Interface to to a Range Element that matches an integer to a list of stored integers. More...
class  IRangeList
 Interface to the global list of all named filters. More...
class  IRayleighDamp
 Interface to hysteretic damping. More...
class  IRigidBodyMechanical
class  ISolveData
 Interface for accessing solve command limits. More...
class  ISphere
 Interface for the definition of a Sphere. More...
class  IUDPos
 Interface to the position in space of user-defined data that requires it. More...
class  IUDScalar
 Interface to user-defined scalar data. More...
class  IUDScalarList
 Interface for the list of all IUDScalar (user defined tensor). More...
class  IUDTensor
 Interface to user-defined tensor data. More...
class  IUDTensorList
 Interface for the list of all IUDTensor (user defined tensor). More...
class  IUDType
 Interface to data values of different types associated with position in space, as user-defined data. More...
class  IUDTypeList
 Interface to a container of user-define data value types. More...
class  IUDVector
 Interface to user-defined vector data Implemented as an IUDType<DVect> More...
class  IUDVectorList
 Interface for the list of all IUDVector (user defined tensor). More...
struct  LinkType
 Interface for LinkType<> objects, POD that contain both the pointer to the next object and an index for reference within the next object. A LinkType<> object is used to simplify linked-lists that need to refer both to the destination object and to a reference index within that destination object. The classic example is a list of all Zones connected to a GridPoint, each connection on the list needs to know the index of the GridPoint in the Zone following. More...

Detailed Description

Itasca Library standard namespace, specific to 2D or 3D.

Interface to the structural elements base class.