FLAC Examples

On This Page

Tutorials       Example Applications       Verification Problems

On FLAC Examples Index

Dynamic Analysis

Fluid Verifications & Examples

Thermal Verifications & Examples

Creep Verifications & Examples

Structural Cable Examples

Factor of Safety Calculations

Structural Beam Examples

Constitutive Model Tests

Structural Pile Examples

Zone Interface Examples

Structural Shell Examples

Zone Attach Examples

Structural Geogrid Examples

PFC-FLAC3D Coupled Examples

Structural Liner Examples

Geometry Data Examples

Examples listed on this page are of three types: Tutorials, Example Applications, and Verification Problems. Every FLAC example available in this documentation is found in the comprehensive examples index.[1]




About Tutorials

Tutorials are the optimal starting point for new users who want to work with the program right away. They present step-by-step instructions for working through the problems illustrated, and are listed above in the recommended order of engagement.

Example Applications



About Example Applications

The example applications are problems that have been solved using FLAC2D and FLAC3D, demonstrating the various classes of problems to which the programs may be applied.

For a comprehensive list of all FLAC examples that appear in this documentation, refer to FLAC Examples Index.

The problems in this group represent only a sample of potential applications for FLAC. The examples presented to users are updated on a regular basis. Users are invited to submit their own examples for inclusion, or to communicate or request any type of problem that they would like to see included here.

Verification Problems



About Verification Problems

The verification problems are tests in which the FLAC solution is compared directly to an analytical (i.e., closed-form) solution. Verification problems for the optional features – thermal analysis, creep material models and dynamic analysis – and for structural elements are found in the sections of the documentation covering those topics.
